Sep 05, 2011 16:57

Thank you so much everyone for all the well-wishing! I super appreciate everyone's support on my upcoming move! still a little nervous, but I think that's okay Recently bought my one-way ticket and now just waiting on my Z-Visa to arrive in the mail. There's less than a month left and I'm a little nerve-wrecked about whether or not that little piece of paper is going to show up in time. (-ω-;;)

I still haven't been able to complete half the crap I've been meaning too since it's difficult to get in contact with everyone and everything that still needs to get done. Huuuuuuhh... the rest of this week is dedicated to doing just that. Wish me luck guys, and I'll definitely have more free time when I finally arrive in 中国... could totes use your support then the most to keep from being sad/homesick/remorseful... 多谢你我的朋友们!

UPDATE: So apparently, I can edit entries... but I can't post them. So much for keeping everyone on livejournal in the loop. Sorry guys, but until I figure out how to work around this, I'm kind of stuck just updating this section. Feel free to leave me comments though and I'll try my best to answer/address any questions/concerns you may or may not have. Just know I'm safe and sound and still optimistic about everything going on! Hope you're all well and hopefully this is not the last of me! ♥
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