
Mar 15, 2005 15:26


Take the quiz at

My analytical expertise and programming capability extends only to the bit where I blow my pc up because I left it next to the radiator with a bowl of dust placed asside the main cooler fan.

I blame Rumms for these quizes, you know. She's got this insidious geek-cuteness about her that, at the time of taking these things, makes them feel ok. Rumms, you purveyor of ultimate filth! Avast ye! Yargh.

Speaking of pc seems to have had *it's* fan lifted off the back of a boeing 747 and probably generates enough pounds of thrust per inch to put my bedroom into low orbit...I mean, Jeesy Queezy is that fucker loud! The upside of all this is that at least my pc now works, and it is no longer sans monitor. No net connection however, but I'm getting quite cozy with this library now...I've got a copy of The Tempest beside me that's going to be invited back for a coffee at my place tonight (stop scoffing you wenches, I'm not desperate. Ish.). With any luck, I'll get the writing bug back again and work on the next few chapters of that Morrowind story thingy-majig that's been unfinished for....oooooh, *years*

Note to Rumms: I've still got the notes and prologue you passed onto me for your fic. hey're rather good, you know. I hope you haven't forgotten about it.

Note to Shattered Unit: Your book should be *finished* by now, dear ;)

Note to myself: I am a hypocrit of Biblical Proportions.

Note to this journal entry: You can stop it, now.

AT :)
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