wisdom teeth photos

Dec 07, 2005 14:10

I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth surgically removed yesterday evening and although I was a day surgery case I got to spend the night in hospital being cared for by nurses who knew what they were doing instead of my family. None of my wisdom teeth ever broke through my gums but they were mostly horizontal. I don't have the CD with my x-rays so I can't upload them.

Having an operation is a great way of trying lots of different drugs legally. My premeds consisted of something starting with Z (I think) and then tamazepam and atropine about 30 mins before the procedure. In the recovery room I was feeling uncomfortable and cold with two massive surgical packs in my mouth so the recovery room nurse gave me some pethidine (merperidine in USA & Canada). The pethidine, "worked a treat" to use the recovery room nurse's words when she did handover with the ward nurse.

My Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon did his ward round at about 9 PM. He told me that there were no complications. When he asked if I was in any pain I said the only thing bothering me was my swollen tongue. He said I wouldn't be able to sleep if the local anaesthetic wasn't working so I decided to put up with a swollen and numb tongue.

Sensation returned to most of my tongue in the morning so I could eat my soft breakfast.

I'm not in any significant pain but my face is bloated like a chipmunk. I've got anti-inflammatory and antibiotics to take but I'm just a little annoyed that alcohol is contraindicated with the AB metronidazole (Flagyl). Only a handful of ABs can't be taken with alcohol (contrary to popular knowledge) and I just happen to be on one of them.

Point and laugh at me! :)

My mum returned from her whirlwind trip to Melbourne last night. The application for the apartment has been lodged so all I can do now is cross my fingers and hope the landlord can trust me (and my parents who are being guarantors).

hospital, flickr, wisdom teeth, photos, surgery

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