
Oct 04, 2008 20:32

So I promised more details and I'm here to update on the birth story and the days following.

Firstly, we went in at 4 am Tuesday morning because I had been having really strong contractions. I got to the hospital and I was only 2 cm dialated. That's only a centimeter more than what I was a week before at my last check up. I was so disapointed because I just knew they were going to send me home. But the nurse said they'd keep an eye on me since they could tell I was in a lot of pain. My doctor got in around 7 am and checked me, I was four centimeters! So he broke my water and they got my IV started. I got my epidural and they checked me again- I was complete. They called my doctor over and after about 6 pushes she was out. :) The epidural made it to where I could still feel the contractions, but the pain wasn't there and my tailbone pain went away.

So she arrived at 9:30 am on 9/30/08 weighing 8 lbs 3 oz and she was 20 1/4 inches long. Things we've learned about her: She's a cuddler, she loves to be swaddled. The exact opposite of Abigail. LOL Abby hated being swaddled. She is a better latcher and eater than Abby was, or maybe I just knew more this time around. She has straight black hair, for now. It might change. We think her eyes are going to be brown.

I still have to upload the pics so I can share photos of her.

The first few days/nights at home have been exhausting. I'm sore and tired, my mom is here helping, but she can only do so much. The first night home from the hospital I had a bought of "baby blues" I think. I just couldn't stop crying and I was terribly exhausted. I hadn't gotten much sleep and I felt drained. I worry about how I am as a mom and I miss my other daughter Abby. I felt like I was neglecting her and not giving her attention. She of course hasn't suggested this in anyway, because she is a great big sister. She's so proud and she wants to "help" and sometimes this is a big help and sometimes it's not that helpful, but I know she means well and she loves her sister.

So, today I'm more rested, I'm still sore, but it's to be expected. My milk has come in already and it's coming in with a vengeance. My back hurts a lot!

Just wanted to update everyone on what's going on with us and our new expanded family. Suffice it to say we're adjusting and we'll be fine once I get fully recovered and we get in a routine.
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