Everything is in place, or in progress to come into place.
faeflitt and I will be rolling out of ABQ next Wednesday (the 9th). This means, that in addition to getting all the last minute stuff done, it is time to start saying our goodbyes. We will be at Movie Night on Friday at Casa Imbri 2.1. On Saturday will be opening up the mostly empty house for anyone who wants to come by, help us drink down the beer and wine collection, and just have a quiet (or maybe not so quiet) evening of goodbyes. Probably starting around 7ish. Also, all my lunches between now and then are available.
On other notes, it is *incredibly* frustrating to come home at 10 pm to discover that the water leak you thought you had fixed was not, indeed, fixed, and so in addition to moving prep, and trying to sell the house, you have to call the roofers and work in replacing several square feet of ceiling drywall.
I pick up the refurbished Xterra today ($3K of misc. maintenance/repairs *shudder*) and then this week is devoted to packing, repairing the ceiling, and trying to get a paper finished so I don't have to worry about it in my new job.