This is WAY better than those lame-ass "Welcome to the Neighborhood" things where the old ladies come to your door bearing the shitty food they would have otherwise throw away.

Apr 06, 2004 23:33

Thank you all so much for the warm reception. I am positively overwhelmed by the number of responses my first journal entry received.

It's like coming home! *sniffle sniffle*

And the Oscar goes to....

Oh well. So: I need a little while to get the hang of this. I don't necessarily have much to say about my day. I spent the better part of it in the library looking through 20+ volumes of the Wren Society's publications, searching for information about a fairly modest Wren church called St. Mary Aldermanbury. The only reason that this church is even interesting (besides the fact that Christopher Wren designed it) is that it was MOVED to Fulton, Missouri in the late 40's to commemorate Churchill's Iron Curtain speech, given at Westminster College in aforementioned small midwestern town. I'm trying to track down HOW exactly this transaction was arranged but am unfortunately not finding any useful information in the published sources.

Then I had dinner with the marvelous Devon and her marvelous family, which is becoming a Tuesday "thing." After dinner, we spent the better part of an hour flipping through the Oxford English Dictionary looking for words to delight and amuse. I feel as though I have found my people.

And now Marie and I are working, as I write, on finishing our next story, starring Ian and Billy. I won't say more for fear of ruining it. But I suspect that it will be pleasing to a number of you.

Goodnight sweethearts,
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