"I've got you now," he said to the microfilm machine.

Apr 15, 2004 23:27

So.... I don't know how many of you are in academia, but if you are, you'll understand:

I had THE MOST AMAZING research day ever. After having hit some roadblocks with the project on St. Mary Aldermanbury, I suddenly struck GOLD. First, the people from the Churchill Memorial (housed in the undercroft of the reconstructed church) wrote back to me and had all kinds of positive things to say about how they want to help me.

THEN, I had the presence of mind to check periodicals and newspaper. Found several excellent articles in the London Times and nailed them in the microfilm. SO EXCELLENT. Then, I found a bunch of articles, which I've called out for through inter-library loan or ordered from our library's annex (read: the bottomless pit where old journals go to die).

Even though I didn't get as much reading done today as I would have liked, I feel positively amazing about the whole S.M.A. thing. Not to mention that the weather was beautiful. I spent a considerable portion of the afternoon running around outdoors with Marie acting like an idiot. I'm blaming it on the Vitamin D.

And Mad Mad House tonight... so good. Except that Noel should have stayed and Eric should have gone. But it is not a perfect universe. Not even a moral one. Perhaps this is the lesson of reality TV. At any rate, it entertained my balls off.

Hey hey lover, you still haunt me.
You're a song yeah, hey hey hey.

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