Thoughts and Thanks

Sep 20, 2006 10:41

Well, Isn’t This Interesting

Sept. 16th was my two year anniversary with kick. Odd as it may be, we completely forgot about it. Yup, in between my sickness and her being sick, and both of us trying to get our dog home, we completely forgot about it. In fact, if it weren’t for the fact that I had a reminder set in my phone, we would have completely missed it altogether.

Isn’t that just the dumps?

So, we went out to eat at Olive Garden last night, and, while I was at work, I found a book she’s always wanted, and I gave it to her last night. I was a pleasant night, but I haven’t really had to time to reflect on this two year mark.

I mean, in the grand scheme of things, two years isn’t that much time at all. After all, kick was with her ex for four years, and I don’t think I’ll be easy with her until we’ve been together at least that long. On the other hand, I’ve never made it to two years with anyone before. It seems to me that it’s really sort of a milestone in my life.

We do know other couples who’ve been together for at least two years, and, although we often stare in wonder at how they’ve managed to stay together, they still seem to be going strong.

So, is it really such a landmark?

Don’t get me wrong. She and I have gone through many a typical couple fight. I’ve almost left her. She’s almost left me. We’ve had the fights over stupid stuff. We’ve had the talks about the serious things, and we’ve joked about what could be. One of my favorite teases is that one day I’ll take her to Vegas for a Star Trek Convention and a commitment ceremony. We’ve talk about getting married, but always as something way, WAY, in the future… as it should be.

I’m amazed that this whole thing almost wasn’t.

If it hadn’t been for Shatna, Huntingdon, Lizblackdog, Vash, Captain Ice, gallerydancer, and Nibbles (RIP) I probably would have never made the move that made this whole thing possible. For that, I thank them very much. I have such appreciation for all the nights they stuck around and listened to me angst about the whole thing between me, kick, and her ex.

Life is funny. The risks and hurts you take and make today turn into the long term positives of the morrow.
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