Something to Ponder...

Sep 11, 2006 14:35

I'm sitting here watching the ABC news cover George W. Bush place a memorial wreath at the memorial at the Pentagon in honor of those who died on Sept. 11th.

I find myself crying, but not because of the loss of life, though that is part of it. I find myself weeping inside because that day marked the begining of the end for an era for our country and, conversly, the start of a new era. Here I sit, in my own apartment today thinking about how much it sucked five years ago walking through campus, and I knew we'd never be the same. It wasn't because of the terroism. We all knew that was bound to happen sooner or later. We had just hoped it was later and not sooner.

Our country was about to start taking away from ourselves those liberties that we have fought so hard to get. We keep going through this cycle where we feel threatened, we take away our own civil liberties, and... years later ...we realize what we've done and we fight to get them back. I see today as the reminder of the loss of life for millions of soliders going to fight an impossible war, of lives destroyed over people's inactions, of liberties filtering away to "protect the country from unknown threats"... of so much more than the dustruction of life and property that happened on Sept. 11, 2001.

Is Sept. 11th an imporant date to remember? Yes. But, not just because of the massive loss from two towers and half a pentagon shaped building. It's important to remember as the pivital card the provided this president's administration an imediate and long term way to cause world wide havoc with little cause to pay mind to their own country's cries of fairness and justice once tempers had settled and good sense had come back to the collective mind. Nothing better could have come along to allow the president to come to the forefront of the the global community than this. Instead of using that as a springboard to something better. He used it as a way to make more money for his cronies. Where has that left us?

The last time I checked, those of us making min. wage now have to worry if they can afford food after they pay for their gas, those of us who are military age are worried that they're reinstate the draft, and some of us are wondering if our president will actually be able to change the constitution to fit the ideals of one portion of one religion...

Fairly depressing if you ask me. But, of course, no one does...
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