Oct 25, 2004 10:26
Yeah last friday was the worst day i have had in a while. it started out when i woke up. yeah right when i woke up. my upper back and shoulders was hurting. but i didn't think much of it except for the fact that i decided not to pt( physical training.)so blonde headed bimbetted bitch comes up to me and starts yelling at me because of this. i mean hello we are not in the army YET. so that obviously didn't go well. but i was good and i didn't say anything at all except for "my back hurts therefor i do not pt and i have already spoken to Lt. and Master Gunny. if you need to talk to Lt. about then you are very welcome to. So that went semi- okay. well then while i was at lunch telling my boyfriend that my back hurt and i might not do parkinglot duty for ROTC that night an asshole hung up the phone on me while i was in the middle of speaking a sentence to him. to be honest as mean as it sounds i went off on him. well he did give me some of his phone card minuets to make up for his stupidity. however right after i got off the phone this little black kid (no i am not racist) said i was very scary looking because my face was all red and it looked like i was going to kill someone. so after that everything was going semi-normal and including the whole tortuing me about past stupidity that i learned from during 6th period was going okay. but then while i was talking to my boyfriend and my friend while doing what i was supposed to be doing (which was standing there looking pretty) while pointing of the direction of wich way the cars were supposed to be doing. well blondie comes up to me again and yells "why are you just standing there?" i replied with there are not any cars coming and there is nothing to do because the parking lot is not full. so she then told me that i should have someone roaming the parking lot i didn't reply with anything because i knew i was getting very pissed off. but when she told me to start roming the parking lot i told her i wasn't going to because there was no reason for it and she wasn't in charge and she wasn't in uniform therefor she had no rank overme at the moment and what was she going to do to me. but now she wants to demote me (take my rank away). The bitch was lucky my boyfriend didn't hurt her. i never have seen my boyfriend mad at anyone but he was mad at her and the funny thing about that is that i have never seen him mad at any one. i have to go now.