
Jun 21, 2011 22:41

Say what you will about the lines - I just want all to know, "I love you, Heather!"

Ten years have passed;
We’ve blinked them gone.
Change was the constant,
Through each new dawn.

The boys arrived;
They’ve grown so fast.
Sim’s lost a tooth;
Does nothing last?

We languish now;
The vision wanes.
The work, so dull;
What have we gained?

There’s still a link,
That hasn’t broke.
A pair of fighters
Still at the yoke.

My Love’s been plowing
A weary row.
Her days, the same,
Her progress, slow.

Still there are words
That should be said.
The truths forgotten;
That light that lead.

Dear, you spend
Your life on us.
Your gift received
Is faithfulness.

Lovely, I see
Your flashing smile.
Your eyes so bright
Your laugh beguile.

Still you’re a girl
With hopes, alas -
Of Hero taming
The great morass.

He plods on,
With her at odds.
The course is slick;
The foe defrauds.

But, Dear, look back;
No waves devour.
He’s seen us through
T’this very hour.

You’re my teammate;
You’re my twin.
You’re worth it, Love;
Your trust to win.

Let’s unite boldly;
Treasure our ties.
Take heart in struggle;
Dispel the lies.

Truth be told,
And make it clear -
You’re my true love.
I pledge it here!

Is this our peak?
Does our road fade?
Our efforts fail;
His strength displayed.

And side by side,
A dogged pair.
We share the weight
And cheat despair.

God has a plan;
Your hopes fulfill.
Your pain to count;
Your fears to still.

This is my way
Of telling you -
You’re worth my love;
My commitment true.

And so I’ve shed
A tear today,
To share my heart
With you this way.
