I don't know why but I haven't been able to get to sleep tonight. I spent the entire time tossing and turning, Hey, who knew drugs were bad for you? Eventually I just gave up and came back to update a little. The only problem was, once I got here I realized that I had nothing to update about. I surfed around a bit on our message boards and found a fan had left a rather long line of questions and answered them below.
Eleven more days until my break is over. It'll be nice getting back to some routine, as much as I hate to admit it. Having all the free time in the world to do what you want leaves you with a lot of free time to do nothing, and that can get boring every now and then. After that we'll be recording our next album which is always fun, god did I mention I was tired?
And just because I was bored I decided to answer a
crazed fan's questions.
1. Can you belly dance? No.
2. Are you an innie or an outtie? Innie.
3. Boxers or briefs? Usually neither.
4. Do you have any pets? What are their names? Not currently, but I'm thinking of getting one.
5. What deodorant brand do you use? Axe, right now.
6. What's your favorite color? Black, or sometimes red.
7. When's your birthday? November 10th, 1975.
8. Would you consider taking on a second wife? No.
9. What's your favorite show? I like Reverb alot, actually.
10. Which video game system do you prefer? What's your favorite game? PS2, and I'm kind of addicted to the Suikoden series.
11. How much does Jimmy Eat World charge for birthday parties? More then you could afford.
12. Would you be willing to jump out of the cake? No, I don't strip either.
13. What toothpaste brand do you use? Whatever they load the tour bus with.
14. Are these questions frightening you? Somewhat.
15. What's your IQ? Never tested for it, but I'm no idiot.
16. How long have you played the piano? Did you get lessons? Pretty long, I took it up before guitar.
17. Do you have any siblings? Don't harass my family, damnit!
18. In what order do write your songs? The music or lyrics first? Lyrics first.
19. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Mint Chocolate Chip.
20. Do you have a criminal record? No.
21. What's your favorite song by Blink 182? M+Ms.
22. Where you in chorus in high school? No, but our first bass player (Mitch Porter) was, and we always made fun of him for it.
23. What's your favorite food? Cereal? Drink? Pasta, Lucky Charms, Warm Beer
24. What's the band you dislike the most? Creed.
25. What's your favorite movie? It changes almost daily.
26. What are some of your hobbies? Writing and touring, I don't have much time for hobbies.
27. What color is your lufa? Dark green.
28. Have you ever owned a Mr. Potato Head? Yes, who hasn't?
29. Do you dress up for Halloween? Not recently..
30. Do you like Sponge Bob Square Pants, Star Trek, or The Mole? No, no and no.
31. Do you snore? No.
32. What was the last thing you ate? Chinese food.
33. Are you good at Tetris? Would you be willing to play against me? Yes, and no.
34. Do you have flower-print bed sheets? No, they are black.
35. Can you do the Macarena? Unfortunately.
36. Do like the sound of crickets? God no.
37. Do you draw? Yeah, but nothing very good.
38. Where are you ticklish? Heh..
39. Can you brake dance? Not at all.
40. Is your family musical? Yes, I was raised on it.
41. What was your GPA in high school? Pretty good, I passed with flying colors.
42. What would you be doing for living now if weren't in a band? Delivering pizza in a striped shirt and funny hat.
43. Do you get your lyrics from real experiences? A collection of them.
44. Can you do a cartwheel? Not very well.
45. What size shoes do you wear? Big, baby. ;-)
46. Do you wear ribbons in your hair on Wednesdays? Only on special occasions.
47. What's your greatest fear? Meeting you, obsessions aren't healthy.
48. What's the highest/lowest note you can hit? I'm no Mariah Carey if thats what you're asking.
49. What's the strangest dream you've ever had? I don't know.
50. How do you like your eggs? Sunnyside up.
51. What's your favorite restaurant? Casey Moores', on the corner of nineth and ash.
52. What do you drive? A car.
53. What is "Sweetness" about? Figure it out yourself.
54. What's your favorite candy? Pop rocks.
55. Were you ever a boy scout? No.
56. What's your worst habit? I tend to get a little paranoid.
57. Why did the blond die raking leaves? Because she fell out of the tree, duh!
58. Do you have any tattoos or pierces? No.
59. What's your favorite song by Jimmy Eat World? Blister, especially since I don't have to sing it.
60. Will you forgive me? No, now be gone.
61. What is your middle name? None of your business.
62. Do you have a teddy bear? Yes.
63. In "(Splash) Turn Twist" is it you singing the octave, you or Rachel? Rachel Hayden, not me.
64. What are you saying in the background of "The Most Beautiful Things?" It should be on the linear notes, if you want to know so bad look it up.
65. If you had to be one, would you be a princess, a fairy, or a pretty fairy princess? Can I be tinkerbell?
66. Are you married to a fan? No.
67. Do you prefer staples or paper clips? Paperclips.
68. Do you like amusement park rides? Yes.
69. What's your lucky number? 5.
70. Do you like jigsaw puzzles? No, I hate them in fact.
My resolution should have been to update in the afternoon instead of ungodly hours in the morning. I hate early morning television.