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Speaking of which she is coming down to Arizona for new years to see her husband play some New Years Eve show. She invited me over so I'm going to go and get drunk at the concert instead of at my house. I hope that's okay with Amy, if not oh well. I'm so devoted to my marriage, can't you tell? I haven't seen Majandra in forever and a day.
So anyway I was bumming around on the internet in my typical nerdy fashion when I stumbled upon a message board topic entitled 'Jimmy Eat Girls'.
Har, Har. I've never really been to far into the groupie scene, for the same reason I've never had the urge to get some rare and incurable disease from which I would never recover. I'm pretty faithful to my wife, dispite never getting along with her, and I wouldn't cheat on her with a random girl for some cheap thrill.
We've become a franchise apparently, they're creating choir music out of our songs. That I have to see, some random high school kids singing our songs in choir robes. Isn't that the first sign of the apocalypse?
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