Apr 05, 2005 23:53
Havn't written in a while so I thought I'd take this rare chance to do so.
Went to Rochester this past weekend with Chang to check out some possible apartments. First one was in Farmington (about 10 mins from Rochester). It was nice and very affordable, but it was in the middle of nowhere. Farmington is near Canandaigua, and i know theres a cute lil town around there somewhere but we didnt have time to check it out. I felt so isolated there, so its unlikely that we'll choose it, but its a good back up plan.
Chang and I stayed with Lacey at Naz. It was fun to be back on campus again. Made me miss the days where I was free but not completely financially independent. ahhhhhh laziness and learning. i miss them. We chose to relax and not do the bar thing that night. after working half a day, and driving for 3 hours, i had had enough. We watched Chocolate and went to bed.
The next day we had an appointment at an apartment complex in Henrietta. This one looked to be a great deal online so I was pretty excited to check it out. It was everything we expected. The neighborhood was great, it was just off a main route in Henrietta so we werent far from anything like wegmans or a mall. It was priced right and had everything we needed, including a laundry facility. this is a plus since i'd prefer not to lug my shit to a laundromat in the middle of the city. Chang loved it too but we were a lil concerned with how heather would feel about paying an extra 30 bones a month for the weiner pup.
after that, we had an appointment in Scottsville. This apartment was fucking gorgeous. of course it was too good to be true. Online it was only 875/month but in person apparently its 950. more than we can afford im afraid. which sucked cuz it was truly a beautiful living area. the bedrooms alone were worth the 950. it wasnt that far away from civilization either, so that was nice about it. oh well, at least we checked it out.
After a long day of apartment hunting, we ordered a pizza and made some plans to go bowling. however, we got evacuated from Lacey's dorm when the boiler exploded. we didnt realize it was an actual emergency and left our purses and keys inside. we were locked out for 2.5 hours. luckily, we got back in around the time we were supposed to be leaving for bowling. that was good times -- bowled with Lacey's new guy friend Anthony and his roommate Aaron...and their friends Nikki and Janet, who i had a few photography classes with back at naz. small world ;) ok....well rochester isnt THAT big but still. shut up.
went back to get some much needed sleep. at the point of pure comfort, the fire alarm went off again. i decided to bring my sleeping bag just in case we were locked out again. btw, this was at 5 am. cool that it was also the night we set the clocks ahead. we were locked out for over an hour this time. i fell asleep on the stairs in the next building. it was fun. of course, the alarm went back a few more times but we didnt care this time. we werent concerned with steam anymore. sleep was gooooood.
Brunch occured the next morning and Chang and I said our sad goodbyes with Lace. it was a good weekend :) quite an adventure and certainly memorable. Thanks lace for the hospitality!!! its not easy to share your lil floor with us 2!
After I dropped Chang off in the Cuse, i dropped by to see my mom in Boonville. She's doing much better now that her meds have been fixed. shes pretty much back to normal -- but she still needs around the clock care. at least I know shes improving her walking and getting her strength back. IDK if she'll ever be able to live alone again, but it's good for her to excersize and try for it at least. Unfortunately, she's well enough to realize she doesn't want to be there anymore and begs us not to leave whenever we are there. its a hard thing, but at least i know shes getting the care she needs. I know she understands, but it hurts none the less.
well this was all very well and important to me but very boring to write about. maybe someday some fantastic controversal idea will hit me and ill just HAVE to write about it but for now my life is plain.