and then there is Life.....

Aug 25, 2008 00:51

It's been a while since I've posted and I thought I might let some of you know I'm still alive...LOL
It's been a hard year and there have been many lessons, some being watching my sisters become angry and hurt by people or unaction(is that a word?) due to my sister's P's death. I've had to unlearn to react and learn to stay still in the mist of their misery and upset, I promise you that as much as I love my sisters this is not an easy lesson. I'm a care-taker by trade and passionate about protecting my family.....learning to breathe instead of picking up the phone to cuss someone out because they upset my sister is a lesson I quite haven't yet learned.....slow learner I be!
Talking to P's lawyer I was told a couple of days ago thanks for everything you did and now step away as the court has appointed someone and you are no longer in this playground.....okay that actually sounds great to me as I do have some major financial obligations that I have had to put on hold and can now pursue...I know this person I furious with me as I hear major rumbles from everyone she speaks with, what can I say....mia cupla mia culpa......and now after 8 months I can start to return to my life and try and organize it to something I can be proud of.....maybe.....
Work is very busy and my boss will again be out for the month of September from the 11th to the 30th which means I'm working from 9:30 -8pm M-W,and F and 9:30-3:00 on Thursday and Saturday so again i don't expect to be online much as I'm very tired at the end of the day. I do take time to read all of you and answer a couple of you but hopefully by October life will again be a little more "normal"- if there is such an animal.
My health is slowly improving to were I have high hopes that I can beat whatever it was that haw nailed my ass since March. I felt a turning point on August 20th.....yes it was that marked that I am hopeful the worst is over......we'll see.....
I miss speaking to you all and am hoping that soon I'll find out thatlife becomes easier ....(the title of this post!)

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