Nov 29, 2003 13:43
Okay. So we have an update on the Hillari situation. Surprising information has just surfaced. Get this: In response to the question "So you still like me?" she was reported to have said, "Fuck yeah!" Wow. I really didn't see that coming. Apparently she was telling me the truth when she was on speed that one night that we kissed and what not. You see, I guess she's really jealous of this girl Aja from my school and the other night she got all upset for some reason. It was really weird. I went from trying to defend myself from her/my mom saying that I am "hung up" on her to trying to get her to believe that I am...or atleast that I don't like Aja and that I really like her. It's really annoying. It's either one extreme or another. I'm either hung up on her or I don't want anything to do with her. Well it's nice to know that she still likes me. I just wish she wasn't so damn complicated. Oh well. But yeah, that's a good thing. By knowing this I don't really expect anything to change but it's still good to know. At the moment she's at some church camp thing with the other guy that she likes and it'll be interesting to see what happens with that. It's only for two days but there's always the chance of something happening with that situation. I really don't know what I want. It's funny how every time I get to the point where I'm content with just being her friend, I find out that she actually does like me. This time is a little different than last because it's more reassuring since she wasn't on any drugs at the time she told me. So yeah. I'm good right now. I don't expect anything to happen between us anytime soon but what can ya' do? It would be nice to date her but at the same time, it's really nice just being her friend. So either way I'm good. And this is a good state to be at. I just hope I can stay like this for a while.
So today I don't work, don't have school, don't have to be home early. It's great. A whole day. I'm going to get something to eat with Marie before she has to go to work, I'm gonna put my PAYCHECK in the bank. That's right, I got a paycheck!! My first one in 5 months. Very exciting! Eighty-two dolla's! Then I have to go to work sometime after 4 and pay some girl back and check out my schedule for next week. Sometime today I want to call Mason and see what he's doing today. Hopefully he's not working. I'd like to hang out with him. No matter what, I'm going to be having some fun tonight. Probably hanging out at the Bego. It'd be nice to drink since I haven't been drunk in...I don't know...a long time...a month or two probably and I'm in the mood. And I have money! Whoo! I'm gonna' deposit everything but 20 bucks in the bank. I really should buy Marie a present for her birthday sometime soon since it was three days ago. And I need to work on Hillari's present since her birthday is Monday. It's going to be awesome although she already knows what part of it is since she read a note from me to Aja about it. It sucked. Oh well. She claims that she didn't read all of the note which I really hope she's not lying because that would suck if she read the specifics on her present. I'm still going to do it but it would be better if it was a surprise. Anyways, I think I'm going to take a shower and get ready. Peace.