Another Fun Weekend...

Apr 25, 2005 16:49

Its kinda sad, but I am getting BORED of my fun weekends. Its just fun weekend after fun weekend after fun weekend. Its getting kinda old. I know, I know. I have major fun during my weekends...but fun every weekend is to predictable. Maybe I should have a weekend where I just watch TV or something. But anyways. I had ANOTHER fun weekend. woo.

On friday I hung out with Erica, Allison, Kelsey, and Kyle. We went to Chipotle, a softball game, and Allison's house. Fun.

On Saturday I went to the Galleria with Justin and saw Sarah, Gigi, Bella, Michael, Sophia, and Laura. I got stared at by a crazy lady. Then that night I went to see Amityville Horror. I hope I spelled that right. It was a fun day.

On Sunday I woke up at 2 pm. I worked on my history project and watched tv. I had fun. I had fun working on a history project??? Weird.

I'm kinda in a 'blah' mood. Kinda blank. Kinda meh. Oh, well. I am starting to plan my little get together after finals. I figure a few close friends at a hotel....with a little drinking and a lot of fun. Ok, well I gots to go upload some pictures so I can make an entry that you wont wanna miss. Oh, by the way, its going to be a friends only entry, so sign in. That's how bad the pictures are.

Later, bitches.
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