[FIC] Carry Your Shame *Extended Ending*

Aug 20, 2013 19:18

Rating: NC-17
Beta: Laura aka- gottriplets <3
Warnings: blow jobs, rimming, awkwardness, gay sex all around- the usual :)
Summary: Hot off Blaine’s World Championship win in Shanghai, Kurt and Blaine enjoy their second first time together complete with all the passion and awkwardness that comes with getting to know one another again.
*This is an extended scene that goes with the story Carry Your Shame, though it can read as a smutty one shot with minimal confusion.*
Word Count: 5,592


Kurt relaxed into the bed, losing himself in Blaine’s kiss, happy to let him take control this time around. He was trying hard not to whine as his still hard cock continued to brush up against Blaine’s thigh and skillful fingers traced over his spine and moved around to his sensitive ribs. Blaine was still trying to recover from before, though his cock was slowly catching up to the rest of Blaine’s body. Kurt wasn’t as lucky, having not yet had a mind blowing orgasm to tame his growing need. That would come. As they’d said before, there was all the time in the world for them to have sex in every form possible.

“You’ve got come in your hair,” Blaine teased him with a playful smirk, starting to suck at his pulse point. Kurt was sure he’d have a mark there in the morning, but he didn’t care. He had a healthy collection of summer scarves for precisely these kind of occasions.

“Well, I guess that’s what shower sex is for,” he said, surprising himself with how little he cared about the fact that his precious hair was anything less than perfect. When he was with Blaine, a lot of things didn’t seem to matter all that much. He laughed as Blaine grabbed his waist and rolled them both so that Blaine was on top of him.

He could feel his underwear start to grow damp from where he’d started to leak with pre-come. He wasn’t sure he would be able to last all that long, but they were still teenagers and recovery time was a magical thing. If he came by accident now, he’d just keep going until he was ready again. He wasn’t going to stop until Blaine was inside of him. He’d been dreaming about the day they would finally have sex again and he was done with waiting.

“Tell me you have lube,” he whispered into Blaine’s ear, causing him to freeze.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Kurt groaned, throwing his head back on the bed, because he sure as hell didn’t have any. It wasn’t like this had been on his list of things to do tonight. He’d assumed Blaine was prepared; he’d been the one to suggest getting a hotel room tonight. Kurt had some in his suitcase that he’d packed along with a few condoms just in case, but he didn’t just carry them around with him.

“Is that something the hotel has?” Kurt asked hopefully. “Because the last thing I’m going to do is go back to your parents’ room just to grab condoms and lube. I’d never be able to look them in the eyes again.”

“Fuck,” Blaine whined, throwing himself back on the bed. “This isn’t fair.”

“Well, this guy’s hooking up, he’s probably got stuff around, right?” he asked taking a look around the hotel room they’d commandeered for the night, courtesy of Blaine’s generous teammate.

“What? You think he’s just got lube laying around for us to conveniently find?” Blaine asked with a chuckle as he stood up and began putting on his clothes.

“What are you doing?” he asked, sitting up and reaching out to pull Blaine back into bed with him. “Just because we can’t do that doesn’t mean we can’t do other stuff.”

“I’m running to my room to grab supplies,” Blaine said.

Kurt’s face must have looked panicked because Blaine immediately softened as he leaned in to kiss him gently on the forehead.

“I don’t have to leave. We can just keep doing what we’ve been doing. I just figured five minutes and we wouldn’t have to wait anymore,” he explained.

“Five minutes?” he asked tentatively, wondering why he was suddenly having flashes to their first time together when he knew this wasn’t anything like that. It wasn’t like Blaine was going to just leave and never come back.

“Why don’t I just stay here,” Blaine said, crawling back into bed. “I can use my mouth and we can wait until we get home.”

“No, no,” he said, shaking himself because waiting was the last thing that he wanted to have to do. He scolded himself for being so ridiculous. “I’m fine, honestly. Go, I’ll be waiting here when you get back.”

“Promise?” Blaine asked.

“Where would I go?” he asked, gesturing down to where he was still hard in his underwear, which neither of them had gotten around to removing yet.

“Five minutes,” Blaine said with one more kiss, groaning as Kurt pressed himself up against his thigh, reaching down to cup Blaine through his pants. “Three minutes,” he clarified.

“And you better not bring back condoms that glow in the dark,” he said to which Blaine looked offended.

“I would never!”

“I’ve seen your nightstand, and you totally would,” he teased him with a light smack to his ass.

“Okay fine, I would,” Blaine said with a laugh. “But not tonight. Tonight is special.”

“Tonight is very special,” he said with a serene smile, watching as Blaine ran out the door, barely remembering to take the room key with him.

Once the door was shut, Kurt fully expected his nerves to kick in again but the panic never came. He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Blaine would be back soon and that he never had to worry about being let go of again. He never had to wonder if he was loved back - Blaine would never not say it back. If he walked out the door right now, like he’d done last time, Blaine would come after him. Kurt had found his forever and this time his father wouldn’t have to find him nearly freezing on the side of the road crying because nothing ever quite worked out for him.

Something had worked out. This had finally worked out.

Smiling the giddy smile that he only allowed himself when in complete privacy, he skipped to the bathroom for a quick shower because his hair was still sticky with come and without Blaine’s body distracting him it was harder to ignore.

He started the shower and finished undressing while he waited for the water to get warm. Once inside, his hand went straight for his dick, trying to ease some of the tension while he waited for Blaine to come back. The second he started touching himself he had a difficult time keeping the pace nice and slow. He’d been hard for so long at this point that he just wanted release in any way he could get it. While one arm was focused on nice, firm strokes that kept him on the edge but didn’t take him over the edge, the other awkwardly fumbled with some shampoo and tried to clean himself up like he’d originally planned.

Suddenly, the shower curtain was pulled back, letting in a gust of cool hair, shocking Kurt enough that he cried out and fell against the wall and the shampoo bottle he’d been trying to recap fell to the floor. He hadn’t even heard the door open.

“You started without me,” Blaine said with a pout, uncaring that he’d just caused Kurt’s heart to jump into his throat. “I’m supposed to be doing that.”

Blaine gestured down his body and Kurt was confused until he saw that his right hand was still wrapped around his cock.

“Well, are you going to come in and join me then or are you content to watch me freeze to death?” he teased, not in the least bit self conscious about the fact that he wasn’t only naked, but that he’d been caught masturbating.

“Joining, definitely joining,” Blaine said, tossing his clothes to the side quickly. The ease and impressive speed with which Blaine was able to get rid of his clothes was the only legitimate argument that could be made for sweatpants. Shit, if ease of access was his reward, Kurt might be willing to let Blaine wear sweatpants all of the time - of course he’d need to find him a tighter pair. One that hugged his delicious ass…

Kurt couldn’t hold back a growl as he bit into his lower lip and watched Blaine climb into the shower with him. Blaine’s eyes never left his body and he was looking Kurt up and down with the eyes of a starving man who’d just been invited to a Thanksgiving feast.

“You know how when you don’t see somebody for awhile, your mental picture of them doesn’t always match the real thing?” Blaine asked him, wrapping his arms around him from behind and leaving lazy kisses on the back of his neck, taking his time despite how desperate he’d looked moments before.

“A lot of times you start picturing people to be more beautiful than they really are, you know?” Blaine continued to muse and Kurt wondered where he was going, but didn’t bother interrupting. Instead he just leaned his head back until it was resting against Blaine, enjoying the way Blaine’s mouth whispered over his skin, moving up his neck and down to his shoulder.

“That’s never the case with you,” he continued. “I always think you couldn’t possibly be as beautiful as I remember, but you are. In fact, you’re always more beautiful than I remember.”

“You’re just saying that so you can get me into bed with you,” Kurt teased.

He still didn’t quite believe his luck that somebody as amazing as Blaine had actually chosen to be with him. He was past the point of blushing over Blaine’s compliments or trying to deny them. If Kurt was really who Blaine wanted to be with, well, Kurt wasn’t going to fight him on that. He might not think of himself as a sex god or really anybody worth desiring, but he at least could now believe that Blaine believed he was.

“I don’t have to trick you into bed, you came willingly,” Blaine said, grabbing onto his hair and positioning him so that their mouths could meet in a slow, sensual kiss.

Kurt tried to pull away so that he could turn around, but Blaine’s strong hands kept him in place and it wasn’t until he felt Blaine’s hard cock settle against his ass that he fully appreciated why.

Yes, his way was much better.

Blaine reached around until he was gripping onto Kurt’s cock firmly and he had to brace himself against the shower wall to keep his knees from giving out from the pure relief he felt at the contact.

“Fuck,” Kurt cried out, thrusting into Blaine’s touch, begging for more. He’d been patient earlier tonight, but there was only so much he could take when he’d been teased all night. He felt like he could come already and it was taking everything in him not to - he knew the longer he put it off, the greater the release would feel.

“I’m going to touch you until you come, and then when you’re too sensitive to move, I’m going to stretch you out ‘til you’re crying and fuck you until you can’t walk without the reminder of me inside of you,” Blaine growled possessively, taking a handful of Kurt’s ass.

So the time for pleasantries was over, that was fine with Kurt. He always did like this side of Blaine. There was nothing wrong with a little kink in the bedroom if it was coming from a place of love, right? Seeing Blaine like this always reminded him of how strong their passion for each other was.

“Please,” he moaned, pushing his ass back into Blaine’s cock then forward again into Blaine’s hand, unsure what he wanted more of; he just knew that his insides were on fire and every nerve in his body was screaming for more. More of his hand. More of his hard cock… anything at the moment would have been great.

“That’s right,” Blaine said, pushing him closer to the wall until he was completely trapped between it and Blaine’s body. “Beg for it.”

“God, please. Make me come, I need to come so bad,” he cried out, hoping the walls of this hotel room were thick enough - that the sound of the shower still running was loud enough - to drown out the sounds of their lovemaking.

He was happy when Blaine immediately increased his pace until he was practically screaming out. He reached back and grabbed onto Blaine from behind, desperate to keep him close even though he knew he wasn’t going anywhere.

“Let go,” Blaine whispered into his ear. He could feel his hot breath over every inch of his skin. “I’m right here to catch you.”

With that, Kurt came, streaking the shower walls with his come as Blaine pumped him through it, all the while whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

“That’s it… I love you so much… so beautiful like this… Just like that.”

True to his word, Kurt hadn’t even stopped spurting before he felt Blaine drop to his knees and pull his cheeks apart, hungry tongue already starting to lick at his hole.

He whined and tried to move away, too sensitive for more, but Blaine just kept pushing until he felt the pleasant burn of a finger entering him.

“You’re so tight,” Blaine said, biting into his ass and causing him to moan.

Neither of them had realized that the shower had started to run cold by now. The heat of their bodies was enough to heat the entire hotel for a year. Blaine’s knee nudged at his legs until he was spreading himself wider opening himself up enough that Blaine’s finger was joined by his warm tongue.

“I can’t,” Kurt said, the sensations too much and all too quickly his feet slipped on the tile and he started to fall. Blaine caught him before his head could hit the tile and once he was sure that Kurt hadn’t injured himself, he fell against the side of the tub and started laughing hysterically.

“I hate you,” he grumbled, trying to sound angry, but he, too, fell into giggles at the look of Blaine, completely naked and sprawled out laughing himself silly. It took awhile to get themselves calmed down again. Every time they seemed to have themselves back together, one of them would start laughing again and that would set off the other.

“Nobody warns against slippery tiles and unforgiving surfaces when talking about shower sex,” he said.

“Yeah, I’ve never been able to figure the logistics of it out,” Blaine said, moving to turn the shower off since the both of their lips were turning blue and they could barely talk with the way their teeth were chattering from the cold water.

“Not my sexiest moment,” he said, standing up and helping Blaine to his feet.

“Honestly? There’s nothing sexier than seeing you laughing and carefree like this,” Blaine said, giving him that lovesick-in-over-his-head, completely-crazy-with-love look as Kurt wrapped a towel around Blaine and began to dry him off.

“Sex isn’t supposed to be funny. It’s-” Kurt was in the middle of reminding him when he surged forward and kissed him, tongue pressing out until Kurt’s mouth fell open and Blaine was free to explore it.

In turn, Kurt sucked on Blaine’s lower lip in the way that always turned him on. It was no surprise then, when Blaine moaned deeply and couldn’t help but buck his hips forward until he found himself thrusting against Kurt’s thigh, dick rock hard and ready for another round.

“Fuck,” Blaine groaned, detaching their lips with a sinful smack, needing a moment to catch his breath. Kurt’s pulse was racing and he felt like his veins were going to explode from the lack of oxygen, but he still regretted the separation of their lips.

Blaine took several stuttered breaths before he moved back in, this time more in control of himself. He left the most tender of kisses against his temple, then his cheek, his nose, eyelids, Adam’s apple and as conflicting as the signals Blaine was sending were, Kurt understood perfectly. It was no different than their love was - filled with intense passion but also wrapped in the sweetest, purest emotions.

Blaine settled his forehead against Kurt and he wrapped his arms loosely around Blaine’s strong shoulders, both of them still not quite back to breathing normally.

“Even with you elbowing me in the ribs as you fell and bruising me for the next year, this is still the best sex I’ve ever had and don’t you dare think differently.”

Blaine was right. There was something different this time around. It was just as hot as all of the other times before, Blaine’s filthy language flowed just as freely, Kurt moaned just as loudly as before and they were just as desperate to get each other off as many times as they could, but this time there was something else. A playfulness, a willingness to embarrass themselves, to laugh and have fun with each other that wasn’t there before. He’d never thought that he’d want that to be there, but it made him feel more relaxed. He was sharing an intimate part of himself with his boyfriend, sure, but he was also with his best friend with whom he had no secrets and that made him feel more comfortable than he’d ever been with sex before.

“Bed. Now. I’m not trying this on tile again and I’m not waiting,” he said, taking charge by grabbing Blaine’s hips and backing him up into the bedroom until Blaine’s knees hit the mattress and he sat down, Kurt quickly straddling him.

“I like it when you take charge,” Blaine said around a moan as he buried his face in Blaine’s neck.

Kurt left open mouth kisses all over Blaine’s neck and chest, careful to bite down only where he was sure a shirt would cover any mark. Blaine liked having reminders of their time together, but Kurt didn’t want him to have to explain anything to anyone. What they were doing was between them. The last thing they needed was any one of Blaine’s hundreds of fangirls to get a shot of him with a hickey and it would be all over the internet in a matter of minutes.

He wet one nipple and flicked his tongue over it until Blaine’s hips started moving anxiously seeking out relief, then he moved on to the other nipple and did the same thing.

“Stop teasing me,” Blaine whined.

“Fine.” He slid off the bed and was about to start kissing the inside of Blaine’s thighs when Blaine stood up and grabbed Kurt, pulling him up and pushing him towards the bed with a shake of his head.

“I was in the middle of something,” he said with a surprised chuckle, Blaine had a determined look on his face as he positioned Kurt on his back just right then ran into the bathroom and came back with a bottle of lube in his hand.

“This time we’re getting off together,” he explained and Kurt had to agree. They’d had enough back and forth, what he really wanted to was have Blaine inside of him this time. He wanted them to finally have a new memory to replace the one of their first time with. They deserved that much after everything they’d been through.

Kurt braced his feet on the bed and spread his legs as wide as he could, not wanting to have to turn onto his stomach for this. He always liked it better when he could see Blaine. There was something about the look his face would get just before he orgasmed, like he was in shock that he was actually allowed to have something so nice. As much as it concerned Kurt before and still did, it felt nice to know that Blaine cherished what they were doing as much as he did.

The sound of the bottle being opened echoed through the room, as did the sound of Blaine rubbing his hands together to warm the lube up so it wouldn’t be so cold for Kurt.

“Are you sure this is the way you want to do it?” Blaine asked.

“Why? Were you wanting to do it the other way?” he asked, suddenly concerned. They’d never talked about the logistics of who was going to top and who was going to bottom. Kurt had always just assumed - but what if that wasn’t what Blaine wanted? They should have talked this through before…

“No, no, it’s okay. I just figured we did it this way last time and I thought you might be more comfortable the other way. Guys usually say that-”

“Blaine,” he cut him off with an understanding smile. “If you’d be more comfortable the other way around, than we can change if that’s what you want. But you don’t have to fit into this certain mold just because somebody else said you should. I never want you to do anything you don’t enjoy just because you think it would make me happier.”

“Except watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta,” Blaine teased, but Kurt could see that there was a wetness behind his eyes that wasn’t there before. He’d heard Kurt’s words and taken them to heart, and that was all that mattered for now.

Later-maybe it would take months, maybe it would take years-he’d get his explanations. He’d hear the good, the bad, and the ugly of Blaine’s sexual history. He’d finally find out why one of the most sexually confident boys at school could go from smiling cockily at the mind-blowing orgasm he’d just given Kurt, to a confused, insecure kicked puppy the next. He’d finally understand all the snide little comments Blaine had made under his breath since the day they’d first met and they’d cry about it over a gallon of Chubby Hubby. Then, even later, they’d finally be comfortable and secure enough to laugh about it over a bottle of wine. But that would all come later; he didn’t need any explanations tonight.

“I love you,” Kurt said.

“I love you, too.”

And with that, the time for talking was over. Blaine’s fingers, now slick with lube, flicked back and forth over his hole, teasingly. He squirmed and tried to get closer, but every time he’d move, Blaine would pull his fingers farther away.

“Patience,” he said, leaving kisses to the insides of both thighs.

Kurt bit his tongue down on his retort, knowing it would only delay Blaine’s task further if they continued to tease each other. Thankfully, when Blaine realized he wasn’t going to respond, he set his focus back on the task and hand and Kurt felt Blaine pulling his cheeks apart, making room for his hand to slide down and he felt the delicious friction of Blaine’s first finger dipping inside of him. It wasn’t enough to have him clutching at the headboard and crying out, but Kurt knew they had to go slow if he wanted to be able to take Blaine’s cock without pain later.

No matter how nice it sounded in the moment to be able to “feel Blaine” for the next several days because they’d been too hungry for it to properly prepare, there wasn’t anything attractive about a 16 hour plane ride home with a sore ass and only Blaine’s parents and aunt for company.

“How’s that?”

“Good,” he said.

“Are you ready for two?”

Kurt nodded and winced a bit as Blaine pushed a second finger inside but it didn’t take long for the initial pain to ebb away and the burning to turn into a delicious friction that had Kurt pushing back into Blaine’s fingers, eager for more. By the time a third finger was added, Kurt was worked up enough to barely even feel the pain. He sat up on his elbows and thrust his hips down against the frantic pace Blaine had set, crying out every time Blaine would curl his fingers and they’d hit just the right spot.

“I’m ready,” he pleaded, needing Blaine to just enter him already because his cock was already leaking and he didn’t know how much longer he could take getting fingered before he’d come and they’d made a silent vow not to orgasm until they could do it together this time.

“Alright, just hold yourself open for me,” Blaine said, waiting until Kurt reached down and held his cheeks apart, only feeling slightly awkward as he waited for Blaine to slide a condom on and slick himself up.

“Okay, you’re sure you’re ready?” Blaine asked, lining himself up so that he was positioned right at Kurt’s entrance.

“Would you just shut up and do it already?” he said, not without a great deal of affection.

As Blaine pushed into him slowly, Kurt was reminded of just how much thicker Blaine was around than his fingers. It wasn’t a bad thing, it just took a few minutes to adjust to the feeling and he was grateful that Blaine had the self control to give him those minutes. He closed his eyes tight as Blaine continued to enter in slowly and tried to focus his mind on the pleasure instead of the pain. Once Blaine bottomed out, they stayed there for a few moments while he adjusted. He felt a kiss to his forehead and opened his eyes to see Blaine smiling down at him, his face tight in concentration as he did his best not to move, but Kurt could see the look of awe behind all of that.

“I’d forgotten how good you feel around me,” he grunted, breathing heavily. “How do you feel?”

“I’m good, I just…” he was about to say that he needed another minute, but the pain had given way to a vaguely familiar pleasure and his stomach was bubbling with need. “You can move,” he said - commanded really.

“Oh, thank God.”

Blaine didn’t need any further reassurances from Kurt, even if he had, he was sure that his loud moans every time Blaine managed to hit him just right was encouragement enough.

Being teenage boys still (and ones who hadn’t had sex in months), neither of them lasted that long, but as their orgasms began to build rather quickly, neither of them really cared about how long it lasted. Their eyes were locked on each other, amazed smiles on both of their faces every time one of them would cry out.

Kurt’s cock was rock hard and leaking onto both of their stomachs, caught between the friction of their bodies as Blaine rocked into him repeatedly. Blaine’s fingers were gripped onto his hips, digging in deep enough to bruise. Kurt’s were likely leaving scratch marks all over Blaine’s back with the way he was clutching at him, but he couldn’t help it. His body was just overcome with a feeling of too-much and not-enough and he felt out of control in the best of ways.

He wanted to pull Blaine into a kiss but he couldn’t bring himself to break the intense eye contact they had as Blaine left his forehead rested against own. They were both determined to see every flash of emotion on the other’s face.

“Blaine, I can’t anymore-”

“It’s okay,” he said, reaching down.

All it took was one tight squeeze of his cock and suddenly he was clamping down around Blaine and throwing his head back as the pleasure overcame him and he started to come all over Blaine’s fist and both of their bodies. Almost as soon as his muscles tightened around Blaine, he started coming, too. Both of them were too lost in pleasure to look at one another, which had been the whole point in them not kissing to begin with, but Kurt figured they had an entire future of watching each other orgasm to be too upset over the matter.

Blaine continued to thrust into him, his movements wild and without any sense of rhythm at all. He was pressing right up against Kurt’s prostate and the feeling was almost painful with how sensitive he was, but he couldn’t bring himself to make Blaine stop.

Eventually they both settled down and Blaine collapsed into Kurt’s chest, not bothering to pull out just yet.

“I want to do that every day for the rest of my life and then do it some more,” Blaine mumbled into his chest, barely understandable. Kurt loved hearing Blaine when he was completely sated like this.

“Well, if you give me five minutes, I’m sure I’d be ready for another round,” he said through a yawn.

“If your ass doesn’t stop spasming around me, I might die before that can happen.”

“Sorry,” he said, not in the least bit apologetic. He couldn’t help it if his body was still coming down from his orgasm. It was Blaine’s doing in the first place.

“You could always just pull out if it’s bothering you,” he added.

“No,” Blaine cried out. “That would be even worse!”

“You’re ridiculous.” He couldn’t help but laugh at that.

“Don’t laugh, it makes it worse,” Blaine groaned.

“Aren’t you tired?” he asked.

“Bone tired, but it’s easy to ignore when you’re so gloriously tight around me. I can sleep tomorrow.” Kurt could already feel Blaine’s cock starting to fill again.

“God, B, not yet,” he whined. “I’m not ready yet.”

“Well, I can solve that.”

Blaine reached down and took Kurt in his hand and began pumping him until he started to get hard again.

And that was how their second “first” time also became their second and -an hour later- their third time, this time with Kurt on top.

“I think we owe your friend Ryan dinner,” Kurt said once they’d finally stopped ravaging each other and were settling in to try and get some sleep in the very few hours they had until morning.

“No, we don’t.”

“He gave us his room to have sex in,” he reminded Blaine, pinching his side playfully.

“I made him a deal, if I let him win the 200M Medley, he would give me his private room,” Blaine said.

“Blaine Devon Anderson! You did not lose a race just so that we could have sex!” Kurt smacked him in the chest, only half believing that he was joking.

“No, I didn’t,” Blaine said with a laugh, earning him another smack, this time in the face with a pillow.

They both fell into silence again and Kurt let himself drift off as Blaine played with his hair and left feather-light kisses to the back of his neck every so often. It was easy to relax and forget about the worries of the world when he was safe in Blaine’s strong arms. For the longest time, he was positive they’d never have this and he would never stop being thankful that they finally did.

“Blaine?” Kurt said, almost a hum into the quiet room, not bothering to lift his head from where it was cradled against Blaine’s bicep.

“Hmm,” he hummed his response, clearly still feeling the lazy haze of a good orgasm.

“When you watch this Tom Daley boy - who, by the way I will be jealously teasing you about from now on - what do you think about?”

“Honestly?” he asked and Kurt just nodded, unable to find the energy to form words when a simple nod would get the message across.

“I think about what you would look like in a Speedo,” he said.

“Me? Really?” Kurt asked.

“Well… I think about what you would look like in a Speedo with him,” he clarified and Kurt didn’t need to turn around to know that Blaine was wearing a slight blush; he could hear it in his voice. He couldn’t help but leave a kiss at the inside of his elbow because of it. One kiss then turned into two and then three, and suddenly Kurt was squirming back against Blaine’s hips looking for friction.

“Kurt,” Blaine whined. “As much as I’m a teenager with excellent rebound time, I think you might have broken me.”

“You’re not broken,” he said, but stopped teasing Blaine none the less.

“Four times, I’ve come tonight, Kurt. Four times,” Blaine said. “I think my ass is broken. Or my penis. Or both.”

“Well, you’ve got an entire flight home to recover,” Kurt said. “Since they aren’t letting you come home with me.”

“Three days,” he reassured him. “Three days and I’m all yours with no swimming or school for an entire month.”

“Sounds glorious.”

They both fell into silence again and Kurt was sure that Blaine had fallen asleep, so he was startled when he spoke up again.

“Why did you ask me about Tom Daley?”

“Because I want to know your fantasies,” he said.

“Does that mean you’re going to share yours?” Blaine asked.

“I’ll always answer any question you ask me honestly,” he said. “You know that.”

“Okay, so what’s your fantasy?”

“I think about you and Sam Evans in the locker room… you still haven’t told me that story,” he said.

“Me and Sam, huh? I get it. He’s hot. It’s the lips, right?” Blaine said. “If you ever see him put Chapstick on, it’s borderline pornographic.”

“So, you’re still not going to tell me?” he pouted. “I give you the whole honesty speech and you won’t budge?”

“Still not my story to tell,” Blaine laughed, moving out of the way as Kurt started to attack him with a pillow.

Yeah, they were going to be alright.

klaine, carry your shame, fanfic, glee, glee au, drabbles

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