Drabbles: Mutant!Klaine

May 16, 2012 01:08

This drabble is a continuation of this previous piece and this piece that I wrote earlier.

WARNINGS: Allusions to sexual assault. Please don't read if you have any Triggers.

“You shouldn’t get so attached to the new boy,” Sebastian says into Blaine’s ear later that night after everybody has gone back to their rooms. Blaine is on cleanup duty and he’d rather take down all of the Christmas lights and mistletoe tonight than worry about it tomorrow morning.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Blaine says, holding back a shiver of disgust. He climbs up the ladder under the pretense of taking down the “Merry Christmas” sign, but secretly he’s just trying to get away from the uncomfortably hot breath of his tormentor.

He hates this. Hates that he has to pretend that he’s not horrified by the other boy’s presence. Hates that Sebastian can force him to enjoy his actions if he doesn’t think Blaine is interested. Hates that Sebastian’s mutation allows him to be such a monster; taking away his free-will whenever he choses.

“Kurt. That’s his name, right?” he says with a mocking tone, circling the ladder like a lion circling his prey.

“Did you really think it wise to flirt with him in front of the entire school?” he continues. “Even if I couldn’t read your mind and see all the nauseatingly sappy things you dream about, there’s no way I could have missed you two hanging all over each other tonight.”

“We weren’t flirting-” Blaine starts to explain but he’s thrown off of the ladder before he can finish. His back hits the ground hard enough to knock the wind out of him, but he doesn’t get even a minute to catch his breath. He’s flying across the room and into the piano. The sound of his body hitting the keys makes a terrible sound and he can only pray that there is somebody close enough to hear it.

“Nobody’s coming,” Sebastian snaps, having read his mind. “And even if they did, would they really care to save the life of a human? Somebody pathetic enough not to even have an X-gene.”

Blaine struggles to get back up to his feet, his muscles are screaming at him in protest. Sebastian has gotten rougher these past few weeks. Ever since Kurt arrived, Blaine realizes. He’s been jealous.

“No, no, let’s get one thing straight here,” Sebastian says, waving his hand and causing Blaine to suddenly stand upright. “This isn’t me being a jealous boyfriend. I could give two shits about holding hands and confessions of love. Xavier sent you here for a reason and I am going to find out why. End of story.”

“What?” Blaine asks, completely baffled. For starters, he’s pretty sure Professor Xavier doesn’t even know who he is, there’s no way in hell he had anything to do with Blaine being at Dalton.

“You’re so naive,” Sebastian says, walking over to Blaine’s side and running a hand down his arm then over to squeeze his ass. Blaine jumps and instantly regrets it when he sees the cold, calculating look enter the other boy’s eyes.

“You are a human, which means you’re completely unworthy of being in my presence let alone getting the luxury of learning at this school. The students here-misguided as they might be dreaming about acceptance, love and becoming X-men-are at least mutants. You are barely more than a parasite; insignificant and destined to be terminated.”

“Then why?” Blaine asks, his voice coming out broken. He kicks himself, he needs to appear strong. He can’t let Sebastian know that he’s gotten to him.

“Don’t you know?” Sebastian says with a condescending smirk that Blaine feels deep in his bones. It terrifies him how powerful Sebastian has gotten in just the last few months alone. He wonders if anybody will be able to control him in a few years.

“Your father sent me,” Sebastian whispers into his ear with a mocking kiss to the small area of skin behind his ear.

Blaine feels like his heart stops. His veins turn to ice and his eyes fill with unwanted tears. Sebastian is lying. He’s read his mind and is just using his weaknesses against him. There’s no way that his father actually sent this boy to harass him, is there?

“No.” He shakes his head adamantly. It’s not true.

“Oh, but it is,” Sebastian says with a laugh. “After all, they say that 63% of mutations are first triggered during sexual encounters. And though I’m positive you must be human if a night with me can’t awaken your X-genes, your father is under the impression that Xavier wouldn’t be working so hard to hide you, if you weren’t a mutant.”

“Fuck you,” Blaine says, punching the boy in the face. He has about three seconds to triumph in the moment before his head begins to feel as if a hundred knives are stabbing him. It’s like wild animals are trying to claw their way out of his brain. He drops to his knees, clutching at his head, begging the pain to stop.

He feels a force pushing at his chest and soon it feels like his heart is being squeezed by a cold hand. Blaine wonders if this is the moment, if this is the time that his father will finally succeed in killing him like he tried to two years ago.

Please, Blaine closes his eyes and begs, praying that Sebastian listens to him. Please don’t do this. I’ll do anything you want, just please.

“Too late,” Sebastian says, releasing whatever hold he’s had on Blaine. The pain suddenly vanishes, but he still feels weak. “You were decent in bed, but the time for fun is over. The Brotherhood is sick of waiting. If you don’t tell me what Xavier is hiding, I won’t be able to stop what they have planned.”

“I don’t know Professor Xavier; I don’t know anything,” Blaine says, barely able to keep his eyes open. The room is spinning and his head feels disconnected from his body.

“Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance,” Sebastian says, stepping past him to exit the room. “I can’t be held accountable for what happens to you, your precious boyfriend, and this beloved school, now.”

Blaine knows that he should try harder to convince Sebastian that there’s been a misunderstanding. That they’ve made a mistake, he’s not anybody special and there certainly aren’t elaborate plans to keep him hidden. He’s just a boy who was unlucky enough to be born a human in a family of mutants. He knows he should explain all of this, but his tongue feels too heavy and won’t move.

Sebastian reaches the door and is about to leave before he turns for one final comment. “It’s a shame I won’t get to try activating your X-gene anymore. You’re rather enjoyable when you’re tied to my bed.”

There’s several minutes after Sebastian leaves that Blaine just lays on the floor, unable to move. He’s bruised all over his body and there’s a chance he actually slipped a disc in his spine considering it’s nearly impossible to move his back without screaming out in pain and his legs are starting to tingle and go numb. But all of this is barely a scratch when he compares it to the pain in his head. The room is still spinning and it feels like his eyes are on fire. He doesn’t know how he’s supposed to make it back to his dorm room from here.

Shit, he doesn’t know if he’ll ever be able to make it anywhere again.

With a possibly broken arm, he slowly manages to work his cell phone out of his back pocket. The screen is shattered, making it nearly impossible to use, but by the grace of God, there’s still one button that he can press. The call button for the last contact he had open, Kurt.

The screen says it’s dialing and then says it’s connecting but Blaine can’t get it onto speakerphone and he can’t manage to get the phone close enough to his ear to hear. He just has to trust that Kurt can hear him. With a weak voice, he calls out for his friend to come and get him. He isn’t sure if Kurt can understand him. His voice sounds odd to his ears, like it’s not even English. He can hear sounds but they all sound jumbled and everything in the room continues to spin. His last thought as things start to turn black is that he hopes this isn’t the end; that his father didn’t win.

The next time Blaine opens his eyes, there are two dark figures above him in what appear to be human shape. As one moves closer to him, the light hits him and he can see a hint of silver in the boy’s complexion.

“Kurt?” he asks, his head still swimming.

He reaches out to grab onto Kurt’s hand, hoping that he can help anchor him. The boy snatches his hand away, and Blaine knows that can’t be right. Kurt is his friend, he would never shy away from him like that. Who are these people? The bigger one, the inexplicably tall one is yelling at him in a language he feels like he should understand, but can’t.

“I’m fine,” he hears a soft, melodic voice say, it’s one of the most beautiful things he’s ever heard. “I don’t understand, I thought he said he couldn’t touch…”

Without an anchor to help steady him, he can’t help but fall into the darkness again.

The next time he wakes up, his brain is working a little bit more clearly. His head is still pounding, but it’s a manageable pain. He no longer feels like death is only minutes away. It’s dark now, no lights are on in the room. Blaine not sure where he is, but he realizes that he must have been moved to a bed at some point. The floor of the common room was never this soft.

He turns to see Kurt, who is laying next to him, watching him with a careful eye.

“Hey,” Blaine says, trying to force a friendly smile but he doesn’t think he comes close to accomplishing it.

“Hi,” Kurt says with a small smile, his eyes filled with worry. “I convinced Finn to bring you back to my room. He wanted to call the police or at least Headmistress Bieste, but I didn’t know if that was smart.”

Blaine gives him a confused look. He doesn’t remember much of anything that’s happened since Sebastian threw him around the Common Room in a rage, but it must have been something to cause Kurt to look so upset.

“You touched me,” he says, eyes trained to the comforter, playing with a loose string. “I thought I was going to die, but nothing happened.”

“Oh,” Blaine says, unsure what to say. How had he gone and messed this up so royally? For two years he managed to get by without an incident, why did it have to be now? He’s had a bad enough night without having to get into this discussion with the one person he’s never wanted to disappoint.

Kurt watches him, waiting to see if he is going to offer up an explanation. When he doesn’t, he continues. “So I’ve come up with a couple theories. First, is that Coach Sylvester is teaching you how to control it.”

Blaine shakes his head, wondering why he doesn’t just let Kurt go with that belief. He knows that he’s been forbidden from telling anybody the truth. Knows that there is a very real possibility he will lose Kurt when he finds out that he’s human. That he might lose Dalton if the school finds out what he really is. And then he’ll be left without any place to call home.

“Alright,” Kurt says, tentatively. Blaine can tell that he’s barely keeping it together. Kurt’s never been a patient boy, but he’s trying. The fact that he’s working so hard at being patient for Blaine warms his heart. If only Blaine wasn’t going to have to crush it so soon. “Second is that I’m immune to your gift.”

Blaine shakes his head again, this time with tears in his eyes. God, nobody was ever supposed to find out. Least of all Kurt.

“Third, whoever gave you those bruises on your back-”

Blaine’s head snaps at the mention of the bruises. He wonders how Kurt knows about them. Wonders how much he’s seen. Did he see the old ones? Does he realize that this wasn’t just a one time occurrence? How is he supposed to explain any of this when Sebastian won’t let him? And when he can’t answer any of his questions, how will Kurt react?

“Sorry, you were in pretty bad shape when we brought you back. I had to check you over and saw them. What happened?” Kurt asks.

“I can’t,” Blaine says, his voice breaking. He starts to cry and Kurt pulls him into his arms. It’s the first time anybody has touched him in years. At least, touched him in a non-violent way. It makes Blaine cry even harder, because he knows it can’t last.

“When I was getting harassed at my old school for my mutation, I didn’t tell anybody either,” Kurt says, patting his hair gently. It’s the only place on his body that’s not black and blue. He realizes that Kurt now knows this, that Kurt has seen what’s been done to him. Seen how weak he is.

“Please tell me who did this to you,” Kurt says, his voice taking on a pleading tone.

Blaine shakes his head. It’s not that he doesn’t want to tell Kurt, it’s that he knows he’ll never be able to. As long as Sebastian is around, he’ll stop him before he can get the words out. And Blaine’s been through enough today that he doesn’t even want to try. Doesn’t know if his body can survive the choking feeling that comes from having his words stopped before they can leave his throat.

“You could have died,” Kurt says, crying openly now. It tears at his heart that he can’t fix this. “You should be in the hospital right now… please tell me who did this. Please let me help you.”

“I’m not a mutant.”

The words leave Blaine’s mouth before he realizes what he’s even said. He wants to take them back immediately. Kurt is staring at him with wide eyes. Blaine watches horrified as his best friend opens and closes his mouth several times, trying to find words to say.

klaine, xmen crossover, fanfic, drabbles

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