Drabbles: Fainting/Sick Blaine

May 16, 2012 00:49

Blaine is perfectly fine. There is absolutely nothing wrong with him. So he feels a little hot, that’s normal. The spotlight is bright and they have been dancing for the past hour and a half. So he feels a little dizzy, that’s normal. He did have to work on his English paper during lunch and he had forgotten to pick up a snack for later. He was certainly not sick. He doesn’t get sick.

“Blaine, Tony is supposed to be full of life right here. He’s dancing with the girl of his dreams and falling in love for the first time,” Artie says, side-eyeing Blaine hard. “You look like you’re more interested in your shoes than your Maria.”

“Sorry,” Blaine says, trying to shake free of whatever this is that’s getting to him. He should be able to do this by now; they’ve practiced it a hundred times by now. Opening night is in eight days, he is not sick. He just needs more practice. “Can we try it again?”

“Everyone, let’s take it from the top,” Coach Beiste calls out causing everyone to groan and shoot him a dirty look. They were supposed to leave a half an hour ago but Artie wasn’t letting them go home until this scene was perfect.

“You did this completely fine yesterday,” Rachel says through her pasted on smile, not moving her mouth for fear of Artie finding out that they are talking during rehearsal.

Blaine nods and reaches out to pull her close like Artie wants them for this scene. Before Rachel can even get her hands around his neck, he feels himself start to sway and his vision becomes spotted.

“Blaine?” Rachel says with a look of concern.

“What now?” Artie calls out.

The next thing Blaine knows he’s looking up at his friends from the ground.


“Hey Frodo, are you alright?”

“Everybody move back, give him some room to breathe.”

Everybody is talking over each other and Blaine can’t tell who is saying what. There are so many faces and they are all looking at him with a mix of concern, fear and in Santana’s case-anger.

“Honey,” he hears Kurt say and a few seconds later his boyfriend pushes his way through the crowd. He kneels down and immediately starts running his hands over Blaine. Kurt checks his forehead and chest for fever, checks his head for injury. “Oh, my God, Blaine.”

“I’m fine,” Blaine says, starting to sit up. Kurt helps him until he’s in a seated position but stops him before he can get to his feet.

“You are not fine, you just fainted.”

“I’m alright,” he protests, not wanting to make a big deal over this. It’s embarrassing enough that he’s fainted in front of everybody. He doesn’t need them to make this into something it’s not. He is not sick and there is nothing wrong.

“Maybe he’s just tired,” Ms. Pillsbury says from where she’s kneeling on the other side of Blaine.

“He’s sick,” Kurt says, rolling his eyes as Blaine tries to protest. “Quit being such a boy. You have a fever, you’ve been tired for the past week, falling asleep before I can even call you for our skin time regimen, and you haven’t eaten anything besides bread and soup since Monday.”

Blaine looks up at Kurt in shock, how had he noticed all of that? He thought he had kept it so hidden...

“I’m your boyfriend; I’m supposed to pay attention to all the things you’re too masculine to share.”

“I’m not sick,” Blaine whines, though he’s betrayed by his own body, which is currently leaning into Kurt.

“Okay,” Kurt laughs. “Well, let’s get you home so that you can not-be-sick in your bed.”

“We should call his parents,” Coach Beiste says. “Explain what happened. They might want to take him to the doctor.”

“They are in Europe for the month,” Kurt says before Blaine can squeeze his thigh and get him to stop. Nobody is supposed to know that he’s been left alone for an entire month. That had been the deal he’d made with his parents so that he didn’t get shipped off to stay with Cooper. God, what a nightmare that would have been.

“So Blaine is all by himself?” Ms. Pillsbury says, giving them a skeptical look.

“He’s staying with me,” Mike says with a charming smile, saving Blaine from an awkward conversation. Blaine shoots him a grateful smile. They’ve only been friends for a few weeks, but he’s glad he’s started hanging out with Mike more. He’s a great friend.

Kurt slowly gets Blaine to his feet with the help of a few of the other guys and they get him into Kurt’s car. Blaine tries to explain that he can drive himself, but they are having none of it. Rachel offers to drive Blaine’s car over to the Hummel’s where Kurt has decided Blaine is staying.

Blaine is grateful. While he still doesn’t believe that he is sick, it will be nice to eat some of Kurt’s homemade soup and cuddle up on the couch together.

klaine, fanfic, drabbles

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