So one thing that has been interesting is watching my Facebook feed for reactions to all this. I've taken screenshots, removed names (and pictures) for privacy's sake, and now share them with the Internet at large. They're not in any particular order.
This is the only post I have seen that's not about the protests. The poster? A German exchange student.
Er, sorry about the random box there.
Two that are too long to be posted here and be readable, made by the same person:
"hippies can kiss my conservative ass. get the hell out of pittsburgh, bitches" and
"POLICE OFFICERS ARE DOING NOTHING WRONG." The attitude, at least of CMU students (which comprise most -- all? -- of those statuses), seems to be primarily anti-protestor, although a little bit anti-police, too. That said, a friend of mine came up to me earlier beaming hugely and told me she's just been to the protest rally. "I wish I could march!"
"What are they protesting?" I asked.
". . . Everything. Everyone who's against anything is there! It's awesome!"
"Oh. Anyone there for anything?"
She blinked at me. "Justice," she said decidedly after a moment. "And human rights," warming to her subject, "Free Tibet, Free Palestine . . . Plenty of people for stuff."
"Oh. Okay."
I don't know how I feel, except that I don't think people should throw rocks.