So I forgot that driving from Michigan to Iowa means an hour time change. Which means I woke up an hour early this morning. I say bah, except I got to surprise my mother when she came to my room trying to figure out where I was, by walking up behind her with a cheerful "I already ate breakfast."
Poor Mom. The bureaucracy here in Fairfield is making life difficult for her. I, on the other hand, get to sit around reading Moonlight & Vines and using free wireless.
Have not seen David Lynch on the MUM campus (did see his picture on a poster for some LA arts seminar thing, though), but the day is young. If I see him, do I tell him "Damn fine transcending"?
Years roleplaying: Heh. It'll be two in January. Unless you count nine years of acting.
Least favourite character?: Hm. Not applicable. I love all of them, that's why I play them.
Male or female characters?: Female, apparently.
Oldest character played: Guinevere. (OH, it means who I played first, doesn't it?) Henry Fitzroy was my first, but didn't last long, so Nita.
Newest character?:
rebelw_outclaws. Russ Harris, Alpha of the Pack at
handfulof_dust Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge?: Russ. No question.
Get drunk and pass out?: Russ. Carmela is a close second.
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions?: 'Mela. 'Mela don' need no stinking directions.
Get lung cancer?: Russ. The guy's most prevalent prop is a cig.
Star in a horror movie?: Ann Darrow. :D
Star in a whore movie?: Umm. None of them? 'Mela is not, actually, like that, and Ann canonically refuses to be in a girly show.
Star in a video game?: Nita and 'Mela together!
Make the world a better place?: Toss-up between Charles and Nita.
Have a torrid gay love affair?: Um.
If you took out the "torrid" bit, Charles, I guess. He's pretty well gender-blind, I think. That said, Charles wouldn't enter into any relationship lightly.
Relate each word to a character of yours:
Love: Nita.
Hate: Russ.
Money: Carmela!
Seduction: Ummmmm. 'Mela again.
Lies: Nita. Not because she tells them, but because she doesn't.
Tragedy: Guinevere.
Manipulation: Toss-up between Russ and 'Mela.
Violence: Russ. Oh yeah.
Politics: Guinevere again.
Fire: Toss-up between Eustace and Nita.
Ice: Guinevere. *wince*
Would you ever...
Play a prostitute?: Sure.
Play a musician?: Oh, definitely. It makes me sad that none of my pups are precisely musical.
Play a pilot?: Um, I suppose, if the character were compelling enough.
Play a homosexual?: Totally.
Play a pedophile?: . . . That depends. The point of writing is, sometimes, to show those sides of things we find repugnant. If circumstances demanded? Yes, I would, and I would try to play him/her as truthfully as I could.
Play a politician?: Does Guinevere count? Russ does, in his way.
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut?: Probably not.
Play a character who commits incest?: See "pedophile" answer.