Fluffy Danielczyk
Dec 27th 1996 - June 13th 2007
Last Weds. we put Fluffy to sleep at around 8 in the morning. last week at this time i was still up with her waiting, knowing that in a few hours she would be gone. it truly is one of the hardest things in the world watching something you know die, knowing that in a few hours you are going to have them killed, or well put to sleep. It was sad. We tired to hold on for so long but it didn't work, tired all the meds but they didn't work. Nothing could save her. On tuesday my dad took her to the vet to get a blood test and see if the meds were working at all...they weren't. All her levels were super low dangerously low as the vet said. She was bleeding inside her stomach and was bascially dying. She was so week she couldn't even stand any more and it was so sad becuase she would try to get up and stand but couldn't. that night she started to have uncontrolable diraehia that was coming out black and pure liquid and a gross smell. I read a few nights before that meant they were bleedining inside uslaly and it was black becuase there was blood in in. That night she couldn't get up and it kept on coming out sometimes it even was a tint of red and purple. It was so sad the first time it happened becuase she tired to get up as it was happening, her little legs went up and she was trying so hard but couldn't. Me and my mom kept on cleaning it up. by the time we took her to the vet she was very week and almost like a rag doll. the thing was her eyes were still looking all around and she didn't have that look at they say dogs and even poeple have when they are dying. you could tell she was still trying to hold on, her mind was completely there to she would still try to respond to everything like she normally would. It was like her spirit and brain and everything was still there but her body gave out on her. She wanted to keep on fighting but she couldn't.
It feel so strange not having her here its almost a week now. Im somewhat in denail though, I ll go around and start talking like she's in here and will be looking for her. It's so hard not to. After we took her to be put to sleep I took a long shower, almost felt like i was faith in the shower, started to cry and wanted to punch the walls but didn't do that part.
I have never seen my dad cry but when we were in the vet i did. He cried so bad that he had to turn around, it was strange seeing him like that. It is strange knowing that something so little and something that isn't on earth that long can have such a strong effect on people. I still can't believe she is gone it doesn't seem like its real at all.
I know we did the right thing with how she was at the end and at least we tired.
Thank you for everyone that commented to my one journal post and all the support i've gotten from everyone, it has really helped.