
Mar 06, 2005 16:51

Comeuppance is such a strange word. “To give what one deserves” I wonder if there is such a thing as good comeuppance? I am sure there is; the humans are notorious for their words having several unrelated and/or contradictory meanings. I imagine this is asking for the bad sort of comeuppance as that kind is more interesting.

I am reminded of a quote that I heard once:
“I have never killed a man,
but I have read many obituaries with a lot of pleasure.”
-Clarence Darrow

I do not normally wish ill-fate upon others but sometimes there are those that can turn even the kindest hearts to hatred. There are only two people (who I can think of at the moment) I would have liked to see experience a whole new world of pain in my name. It is amusing that they have already felt the revenge of what the humans refer to as Karma.

One is quite dead. The Centauri, who kidnapped me and contracted me to Trakis, had an unfortunate run in on the Garesh 7 some years ago. He had the pleasure of finding something unexpected in the proverbial “dark alley” two weeks after I disappeared. As I hear it, officials had a very difficult time identifying him, they never recovered his head.

The other is Trakis himself. He has gotten quite a few hard hits in my name…. I hear that Ambassador Mollari cuffed him in the face after they found out where I was. Then he proceeded to kick him while he was down and unconscious. I have never seen Londo angry, and now I don’t think I should ever like to.

In addition, The Earth Alliance discovered that he was trafficking human slaves. While it is legal to posses Centauri and Narn slaves, it is illegal to enslave humans. He had human slaves on a human run space station; but then I had always thought he was a little dim-witted. I hated Chief Garibaldi for his inability to stay out of the business of others. Now I shall have to thank him the next time I see him for investigating further into Trakis’ affairs. Londo will no doubt be endlessly amused when he learns that Trakis is in a human prison. The girls were freed from their contracts when he was taken in to stand trial. Kitty, Niomi and Gera are on their way to the Mars Colony. I can feel an additional bit of pleasure knowing that in the very near future a man on Narn will have his door kicked in and be confronted by the most malicious woman I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. An exquisitely crafted Centauri dagger will be clenched in her Narn fist. Na’Loth is sure to fulfill the Shon’Kar against the one who put her in chains and it won’t be very pretty.

There is some small gratification in knowing that they have suffered without the necessity to so much as raise a finger.

trakis, kailin, tm challenge, slavery

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