1. Leave me a comment saying, 'Interview me'.
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. Include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Questions from Arwen Undómiel
1) Have you found your soul's mate yet?
I believe I have been blessed with two. One was lost to me what seems like a lifetime ago and the other is here by my side. When I met both men it was the same feeling, of seeing part of myself before me and being unable to turn away. I know that perhaps it is unusual to feel you have two soulmates but perhaps it has something to do with our culture?
2) What is your world like? What is your culture like?
I was born on Davo a colony of the Centauri Republic. It is a warm and semi-tropical planet known for its beautiful plants and it cultural devotion. Davo is the Cultural nexus of our people home to many of the most brilliant artists and full of beautiful architecture.
Our culture? I would need to write a book to tell you all about our culture but I shall try to do it justice in a summary.
Our people are governed by an Emperor and the Centaurum, a legislative assembly. Status and rank are very important to our people as a means of respect and gaining favor from the Emperor. I come from the middle of the low nobility, not much above what would be the commoner/non-noble. We have great pride in our military and our Emperor which for most Centauri is instilled from birth. Women do not participate in government or military activities but some have taken interest in trade and other economic endeavors.
There are those who consider us aggressive and warlike, but such is said about any who are not willing to let their people fall. Many consider us decadent for our love of strong drinks, rich foods and beautiful clothes and belongings. Others would consider us deviant because our society is polygamous, sensual and does not view extra marital involvement (affairs) as being an immoral thing. We are simply as we have been for centuries. My people have a great love of the Arts particularly Opera and dance but also culinary endeavors, swordplay, painting, poetry and history. Very few Centauri can be found who do not have an extreme fondness for one or more of the arts.
Among our people, like other races, there are some who are religiously devout and some who are not. We have 58 gods and goddesses in total with four being major parts of the cosmology: The Great Maker- the creator god. Rutarian- The god of authority, rulership, laws, justice and protector of the Emperor. Morgoth- God of the underworld and protector of doorways. He is often depicted as what humans call gargoyles. And Li, the goddess I follow. She is the goddess of passion. She is the drive and fire that makes us who we are as a people. She also symbolizes the perfect unity: mind, body and soul of male and female.
3) What is your favorite color?
4) What is your favorite story in the entire world?
There is a story from the earliest days of our Republic. Before the formation of the Republic there was another race on our planet the Xon. The Xon are described as being brutal and aggressive and they were destroying our people, pushing us to extinction. The Empress at this time was a strong woman devoted to her people and their survival with a voice that was "as beautiful as the stars in the night sky".
The empress stood on her balcony watching the Xon advance on the palace and grieved seeing her people die because she could not help. But at that moment she remembered the words of her mother who had told her that her voice was the very heart of the republic. And so standing on her balcony the Empress sang with all of her voice to bring courage to her people and let them know that they would all stand together.
The story is much longer then this. The rest is very sad but being a singer this part has always been my favorite.
5) Are there any immortal beings on your world?
Gods are immortal but there is debate on whether or not they exist. Outside of my homeworld I have met one immortal being. A Vorlon. They are another race much more advanced then ours and enigmatic. No one even really knows what they look like because they constantly keep themselves covered. They are prophets of sorts as far as I know.
Questions from Atia
1. I have a fondness for fabrics; especially silks. Would your world perchance, have any such material?
The Centauri, The race I am from, have very acute senses compared to humans. Our fabrics though similar to humans are always infinitely softer. We have something similar to silk that is a plant fiber though since our meeting with humans silk fibers have been added to increase its softness.... I should send my seamstress to make a dress for you of our fabrics, knowing now that you have such a fondness.
2. Open your nightstand drawer. What is the first thing you see?
The envelope that contains the first letter I received from Londo.
3. All the world is a stage and we are merely players. Would you prefer a leading role or a bit part?
As things stand I suppose I have been thrust into a leading role. I enjoy it as our society status is first and foremost being thrust to such a position is a blessing. It makes me laugh thinking back as a child when I was so shy I wouldn't even sing in front of my family.
4. What is your favorite sound?
Laughter of my family and friends.
5. Do you know how to swim?
I swim like a rock, I love islands and boats but I don't like to and can't swim.
Questions from Curly Bill
1: When am I going to meet that fella of yours?
He is a very busy man with the negotiations to end the war with one of our long time enemies. I will be sure to introduce you two as soon as he has free time..
OOC: his mun is travelling alot at the moment...
2: What have you learnt, mixing with all the different folk, that are about?
I have learned we are all the same in thought despite what we look like on the outside. All races have pride in thier people and a desire to protect them. We share a devotion to our families and our races. We all have art and religion and culture whether we agree on it being beautiful or believable. We all get angry and hurt, happy, fall in love, hate, kill, die (well most do there are some races that don't die or live uncountable years.) It is our percieved differences that send us into war and it is common enemies that make us unite.
Perhaps I am very open minded but I have met more then a dozen races on 8 or 9 planets, half a dozen ships and innumerable other places and I have heard all of the races speak of the things I have listed at one time or another.
3: If you had to give up one sense-sight, hearing, touch ectra. Which would it be and why?
My people have a 6th sense that allows us to see/dream of our own death. I would gladly get rid of it. Knowing that I am travelling to see the man I love and being murdered in the process gives one no comfort.
I suppose though you want me to choose a normal sense and that I find I can not do. How can one decide never to hear laughter or music again, never see a sunset or the face of the people you love, never taste my mothers cooking again, never smell flowers and rain, never feel the breeze on my skin or the hands of a lover. There is no possible choice and so I would choose to keep them all. If I absolutely had to lose something I would rather lose my voice.. but I am sure there are quite a few who would argue that I am not allowed to give that up.
4: Jewels or flowers? Why?
Flowers. Only because they remind me of my father. I only knew him for two years and he always called me his "Singing Flower". I was a child when he died but to encourage me when I was scared, I was a very shy child, he would tell me, "Someday my little blossum will become the most beautiful bloom in the garden." I always think of him when I think of flowers. I also think of the flowers that Londo had specially grown for me not long after we met.
5: Could you live with none of your modern technology? Why?
There are somethings I could live without. Space travel is not something I could give up. First because of the beauty of looking out into the infinite blackness dampled with stars in every direction, seeing planets and the swirling clouds below, the beautiful blue of a jumpgate as it opens. The second reason is without space travel I would never see many of my friends again that are spread throughout the galaxy. Many things I could do without. Waterless showers, security cameras always watching me, devices that allow others to listen in on my private conversations, weapons of war that can destory entire cities break a civilization, destroy a people. Those things I would gladly get rid of.
There is also all of the medical discoveries that save hundreds perhaps even thousands of lives everyday.. that is perhaps a benefit I would keep.