I had promised "wait-for-it Wednesday," but I think I'm changing it to "Whimsical Wednesday." This way, I can post something far-out there and have it be a game if I want, but there doesn't have to be a specific "answer" the following week.
Today, I thought I'd muse on When Fandoms Collide. I've come up with a few in my day--some I've posted here, some I haven't. I remember connecting
Maddie's Walter Bishop to Heroes' Elle Bishop. I also remember connecting
Chris Pierce (who used to hang around Philly in '65-'66) to Jess Mariano. One time, and I don't think I posted this here, I decided that Will Pryor could have been friends with Kevin Arnold.
So you see, sometimes it's based on character names and sometimes it's based on actors playing multiple roles. I refuse to have Sam Winchester meet Dean Forester, though. Just... no. However, as I've said before, a crossover/WFC I'd love to see is Declan Dunn (Mysterious Ways) teaming up with the Winchesters (just for a MOTW).
Yesterday, I started musing... what if Dr. Scott of Rocky Horror is related to the Tree Hill Scott family? How crazy that would be!
How about you? What's your wacky thoughts on When Fandoms Collide? Nothing is off-limits, as you can see.