Mar 31, 2008 14:02
It is, once again, time for a completely random poll!!
I have a feeling, for the second one at least, it will be a pretty close race between two, with all the others lagging far behind.
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*hangs head* I can't do it...I voted twice.
Does Luke Danes sing? Is he sweet to his ex-girlfriend's little sister? Does he let his employees go off in the middle of a work shift to go to a college party with their best friend? Does he move back across the county because he's still in love with his ex? Does he break up with a girl on Christmas Eve Day because his current girlfriend is upset that he never mailed the breakup letter? Does he shave just because his girlfriend likes it?
Gosh, I love Luke Foley.
Plus, I've never dressed JJ up like Foley.
Well, I haven't yet.
And it's a little harder to identify a specific Luke Foley uniform. It's not as obvious as the one Luke Danes wears.
You should dress up your JJ like JJ Pryor.
JJ Pryor? HA! We tried for a while to teach him to say "dynamite," but he preferred to blow spit bubbles.
he preferred to blow spit bubbles.
Who wouldn't?
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