old icon meme

Mar 02, 2008 00:04

Look at your LJ userpics list. If you have fewer than 50 icons, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five icons, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five icons, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List each one in your LJ, and tell everyone exactly why you have it, why it's interesting to you, what significance it has.

Since I have over 100 icons, I pick every 10th one. I guess I should do 1, 10, 20, 30, etc.

This was my first one. I was briefly on another blogging site, and I could play with my layout, and I chose "Shades of Grey", putting up pictures and graphics and the song to complement it. When I came back to LJ, I knew I wanted to keep that scheme going, so I found this old icon and used it. The song is like... the complications of life. "Black and white is how it should be, but shades of grey are the colors I see."

Beth and JJ and Johnny, from 3.09 "Tidings of Comfort and Joy." It just might be my absolute favorite episode of that show, ever. JJ returns home from Vietnam after being MIA. He meets his son for the first time. He sees Beth. He's a little overwhelmed at being home with his family, but when he's holding the baby and "My Back Pages" ("I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now") is playing in the background, the tears start. It's such an emotional episode, and I love this icon because it really captures that scene.

Lane and Rory. I really liked their relationship on GG, as best friends. I liked that they delved into it at times, like in first season when Lane thought she was being left behind for Dean. I love that they always make time for each other, and even though their relationship might not be the same as it was when they were 12, they still have a deep bond. Best friends forever.

"I'm sorry. I thought this was the uniform." Cracks me up every time. Jess was a wiseass, sure, but he was a funny wiseass. And this stunt was creative, too. I love the relationship between Jess and Luke.

Funny, 10 icons later and it's Jess and Luke again. This time, it's not so much funny as it is touching. Jess finally expresses to Luke that he appreciates him and all Luke's done for him. They try to share a manly handshake but it turns into a parental hug. So much love for that scene and that relationship.

Another Jess icon! This one's from "Nag Hammadi", and it's just a cap of him reading in the bookstore, but I love the coloring on it. I also love how it says "leisure activities" and I often use this as my "I'm reading!" icon.

Mmm... FarmBoy!Westley. I love Princess Bride. What's not to love about that movie? And Cary Elwes was dreamy as Westley.

"Forever Dreaming." That's me. I have an overactive imagination, and I'm always dreaming. I have conversations with people in my head before they happen. I also love Kim Anderson's pictures, and here he's captured a little girl just daydreaming and I can almost hear her sigh.

Self-explanatory? I'm a Jersey Girl. I'm not rude. This is just how we are. Also, out-of-state drivers? Try to keep up, will you?

David Hyde Pierce as Peter MacMannus from Down With Love. Not amused. I love that movie and I love that character. DHP is just excellent in anything. Plus, it's a pretty common sentiment, so I like that I have an icon to express that.

Hawkeye and Trapper. Always scheming. While I appreciate that BJ Hunnicut was the more fleshed-out character, I always preferred Trapper. I love their little grins in this picture. But most of all, I love that it says "I solemnly swear we are up to no good." Because I think that the Hawk and Trap could give Fred and George (and for that matter, James and Sirius) a run for their money. (Y'know, without the magic part.)

And speaking of icons, I made a new one earlier. With all the text layers and the animation (and then shrinking it), it actually took me over an hour to make. I don't normally spend that long on icons.

fandom: miscellaneous, meme, graphic design, interwebs: livejournal

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