Jan 20, 2009 16:45
What do you say on a day like today? Are you supposed to be sad or happy? I for one am fairly sad, and sickened by how mean some people can be. Even if you don't like George W. booing him during the inaguration and singing "nanana hey hey goodbye" is uncalled for. You don't see me out there bashing Obama today, it's just not right. I am sad that people are so cruel, but I am also sad for President Bush because it must have been a hard day, and a hard 8 years. I was in class from 11-3pm straight so I missed the big festivities. I watched the video of Bush getting in the helicopter and then onto the plane to return hime to TEXAS!!! Then I found a website where they were streaming the welcome home bush family party in Midland, Tx. There was a large crowd there, and plenty of entertainment, and it was amazing to see these people who still loved a president. Then George W. arrived and gave a speech, which I thought was amazing. He thanked the people for being there for him, and to his staff that were a great group. Then he said that everyone is asking him what he's doing tomorrow... his answer? "Making Laura coffee, catching up with friends, reading, and fishing." That made me cry because for 8 years he has been under so much stress and pressure that to be able to do what he wants when he wants to must be an amazing feeling. I am so happy that the family now gets to spend time together without service agents, they get to do normal activities, and they get to do it all without having agents or the media follow their every move. Meghan McCain interviewed her mom this week about life and such. When asked what sheT felt with John didn't win, Cindy answered that it was bittersweet. On one hand, she knew that John wanted to be president more than anything and she wanted that for him. But on the other hand, she said she is so thankful that she can still be normal and go shopping with her daughters, or get coffee when she wants, etc. She also brought up how cruel the media and even normal people can be to the president and their family, so in a way she was glad that the kids didn't have to go through any more than they had already been through. I can't even imagine what is going on in these peoples lives while they are running or are in power. However, I am very proud of President George W. Bush because for 7 years after 9/11 we didn't have 1 more terrorist attack on our own soil. And he showed courage, fought for what he believed in, and NEVER let anyone tell him to change his beliefs. One thing my history teacher pointed out last semester is that the same number of people died in Pearl Harbor as their were in 9/11, however no one even hesitated about declaring war on Japan all those years ago. That's an interesting fact, and then to remember that FDR is one of the most loved and respected president and it was he who got into the WW2 after Pearl Harbor. Just a side note comparing 2 major things. I feel it is time to end this entry for now because I have pretty much said what I feel. I'll try to post more later.