I've ordered a Kindle 2 eBook reader, which should arrive ***drumroll*** TOMORROW. I've been wanting one for a while, but
quinn222 was able to answer the deciding question for me--namely, whether you can read LJ fan fiction on its web browser without wanting to kill someone, possibly yourself. The answer was yes, with a picture of one of my own stories displayed as proof. Yes!
We also worked out how to display Delicious bookmark collections on the Kindle without the aforementioned urge to kill someone. A regular page for an account, like
http://delicious.com/Adina_atl/Torchwood apparently displays rather badly, with slow load-time and ugly formatting. However, the RSS feed, like http://feeds.delicious.com/v2/RSS/adina_atl/Torchwood displays quite nicely. Or so I'm told.
So my plan is to create myself an "unread" tag to use on anything that I want to read "off-line" (in bed, in other words), and then pull up the feed on the Kindle to read. We'll see how this actually works, of course. The same or a similar tag can be used for computer documentation that I don't want to read at my desk.