
Nov 14, 2006 23:23

Continued from here

Home again )

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notangelsbitca December 22 2006, 02:29:43 UTC
Buffy gave Wes a small smile as he reassured her things would be okay. It was a start - a big one at that - and it made her feel a little better. She still had a lot of healing to do, something she hoped would happen eventually, but until then she was going to be thankful for the man beside her. Buffy knew Wes loved her for who she was inside, and not because of what she could do.

"Maybe tomorrow we can go to the cemetery and visit Dawn's grave," Buffy suggested as Wesley pulled them down to the bed. She snuggled close to him and sighed. "It's all kinds of weird going to the place I patrol to visit my sister's grave. I guess it's the way our lives are now." She let out a small yawn and snuggled against him.

Buffy was starting to feel both emotionally and physically tired. It'd been a long day and she had the feeling things weren't completely finished. They lived on a Hellmouth and there was always something going on, even though she often wished there wasn't. All she wanted was a few weeks off with Wes so they could go somewhere nice.

"Love you," she murmured as sleep started to take her over. "You're a good Watcher, Wes." And with that, she fell asleep.


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