Glass Moon, Camp NaNoWriMo, and YOU!

May 21, 2012 18:52

Glass Moon Progress

14950 / 75000 19.93% Done!

Just shy of 20% done with Glass Moon? I’ll take it and rock on with it. Glass Moon has been a lesson in ‘Hey Doofus, you made an outline for a reason and oh bee tee double-you, you made SIX OF THEM. Please see to it you stay the course.’

My problem I always have is a sudden attack of the Pantsing at a crucial moment and I say ‘My goodness! What a glorious idea!’ And I drop two days of work into said glorious idea that I can’t use in the end, and lose two days scrambling to fix it. All in all, four days of work going absolutely nowhere. What is Pantsing do you ask? I tend to think of it as Improv Writing or Make-Crap-Up-As-You-Go a la ‘Writing by the seat of your pants.’ I used to be a Pantser many years ago, but I learned my final product was an unusable pile of garbage. The only thing salvageable was the one sentence concept. Now I’m a Planner. I love being a Planner. But every now and again I have a Pantser episode. I should see someone about that.

I sent off the first 12k for my dear friend Ana Bosch to look at and scream at me over. Not So Hidden Message for Ana: Chapter 5? You can forget it happens like that.

I seem to be doing this thing of write a chapter, revise, write another, revise, rinse, lather, repeat and it’s not trend I’d like to continue. I’m one of those people that just spits the draft out and then figures out how it all goes together later. I’m okay with the fact my drafts are typically crap with shards of good bits. I think I’m focused on too much of being good right off the bat when oh no it doesn’t work like that in my world. At all. I’ve gotten used to rewriting large swaths of my books. It sucks when you think about it, but in the long run it works out.

Overall, I’m pleased where it’s going. Jack and Sevon are now in Brazil, and it’s an insane fact checking game as I go. Google Street View has been my BFF. Plotwise, let’s just say Jack and Sevon are expanding their horizons as a couple. It’s definitely gone into the territory of whatever Sevon wants the answer is always yes because Jack is a total man. There is no amount of Jack saying ‘In my culture this is totally acceptable!’ Jack. Just stop and admit it’s because you’re a dude and you benefit from Sevon’s kinky adventures. Savvy?

My ultimate goal for the month is to be at 27,500 by the 31st and when Camp NaNoWriMo starts, do the requisite 50k and pretty much be done with the draft by June 30th. My goal regardless is to be done with the draft first week of July for when I get on a plane and go for a family vacation to Maine. The side-goal to that is not to be a frothing spiny ball of writer-rage like I always am when I come down off just finishing a book. I want to be able to enjoy my family and not want to hide from the big burny daystar in the sky.

Solution! Coffee! Lots of it.

So anyone else going to Camp NaNo? I had an absolute blast doing it last year when I wrote Americana Fairytale. The whole camping themed site, the concept of cabins, and sending letters home is just freaking adorable. Also how everyone gets in the spirit by pitching tents in their backyards or dining rooms in my case. You heard me. I totally had a tent in my dining room last year. In fact: here are the pictures again!

Base Camp Drummer

Base Camp Drummer!

A Peek Inside

The Setup!

Where Words Happen!

Camping Equipment

Hydration Is Important! (TM)

Problems With Wildlife!

More Issues With Wildlife

The Beast Caught On Camera!

This time? It’s going to be even better!

Just don’t tell my Dad. Let’s keep this between you, me, Facebook, Livejournal, Dreamwidth, Google+ and….

Originally published at Nomad Chronicle. You can comment here or there.

vacation, nanowrimo, wordcount, dorkgasm, glass moon, darkmore, writing foo

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