Aug 15, 2003 17:27
1: myasdnil,
2: gaigeshrtynjase,
3: calebsmommy,
4: suductiv10dency,
5: heartless_punk,
6: incunatrixie,
7: ohshutthexup,
8: reject_punk,
9: satin_undies,
10: scremotional,
11: smellyfish,
12: syntheticxlove,
13: withaknife,
14: 66angel66,
15: theconservator,
16: ventyummyjamin,
17: zpqmla,
18: alleyoop16,
19: ambiebabie,
20: blacbread,
21: colbers,
22: greyfieldbass,
23: jamesbell,
24: jazzy_0,
25: rexuki8,
26: shorty_angel,
27: starlithayze,
28: tplayer35,
29: sacramento,
30: bundlehiss,
31: kttyprincess,
32: petal_falling,
33: jaylynn224,
34: angelofsin666,
35: caraudio,
36: gearheads,
37: hypnox,
38: puppyduck,
39: sacto_for_sale,
40: summerstarr,
41: badashleytease,
42: cantbesaid,
43: centerfold__,
44: cuteboyfriend,
45: empty_vanity,
46: feelinleftout,
47: fire4adrymouth,
48: gadamboy,
49: grlluvsdeadboys,
50: heter0lesbian
umm i saw this umm site on someone lj and its suppose to be the top 50 people that vist yer lj.and umm i dont know these people.uhh who are yalL!?