RBFho (1:11:00 AM): yooooou
ILoVeTv0 (1:11:19 AM): arrrrreeee
RBFho (1:11:30 AM): thheee
RBFho (1:11:33 AM): faaat booyyyy
ILoVeTv0 (1:11:38 AM): wdfsklafhasjkhfksjafhs
ILoVeTv0 (1:11:42 AM): hahahahahaha
RBFho (1:11:46 AM): lol
ILoVeTv0 (1:11:56 AM): lol i remember he was so pissed about that
ILoVeTv0 (1:12:01 AM): when we called him a poser
RBFho (1:12:07 AM): lol
RBFho (1:12:10 AM): yah
ILoVeTv0 (1:12:12 AM): do u have him on myspace, oh my god he is SOOOOO gay
RBFho (1:12:34 AM): no i dont
ILoVeTv0 (1:13:01 AM): oh my god dude
ILoVeTv0 (1:13:19 AM): like he has a pic where his pants are as tight as like punk pants, but in a gay way
ILoVeTv0 (1:13:30 AM): like it doesnt show the bottom but liek his shirt was all small and hollister status
RBFho (1:13:48 AM): whaaaaaaaat
RBFho (1:13:48 AM): omg
ILoVeTv0 (1:13:56 AM): add him
ILoVeTv0 (1:14:07 AM): do u think mr. simpson from degrassi is hot
RBFho (1:14:37 AM): ....is that the guy with cancer?
RBFho (1:14:39 AM): snake?
ILoVeTv0 (1:14:41 AM): ya
ILoVeTv0 (1:14:46 AM): haha snake..
ILoVeTv0 (1:15:09 AM): dude its werid u know how over there they dont get the original degrassi, well over here everyone is like i only seen the original
RBFho (1:15:10 AM): hahaha
RBFho (1:15:17 AM): NO WAY
ILoVeTv0 (1:15:18 AM): im guessing that is a no
ILoVeTv0 (1:15:21 AM): hes hot dude
RBFho (1:15:26 AM): he's aight
ILoVeTv0 (1:15:48 AM): a girl from school who is my friend knows paige
ILoVeTv0 (1:15:59 AM): she chills with her cuz they live like across the street from each other
RBFho (1:16:30 AM): chill with who?
RBFho (1:16:32 AM): what?
ILoVeTv0 (1:16:46 AM): paigge
ILoVeTv0 (1:16:50 AM): from degrassi
RBFho (1:17:06 AM): OHHHHHH
ILoVeTv0 (1:17:07 AM): hahaha mr simpsons real name is stefan...sounds so gay european hairdresser status
RBFho (1:17:09 AM): what!??!?!?
RBFho (1:17:16 AM): lol
RBFho (1:17:26 AM): totally man...he should wear leather pants
ILoVeTv0 (1:17:30 AM): AHAHA
ILoVeTv0 (1:17:32 AM): hahaha
ILoVeTv0 (1:17:48 AM): what the he is only 34
ILoVeTv0 (1:17:56 AM): sexy..
RBFho (1:18:01 AM): ...he looks fucking 40
RBFho (1:18:03 AM): hahahahaha
ILoVeTv0 (1:18:04 AM): id totally tap that
ILoVeTv0 (1:18:07 AM): no he doesnt dude
RBFho (1:18:09 AM): i bet you would
ILoVeTv0 (1:18:10 AM): leave him alone!
RBFho (1:18:13 AM): lol
RBFho (1:18:19 AM): if only he was a english teacher
ILoVeTv0 (1:18:24 AM): HE IS!
ILoVeTv0 (1:18:25 AM): oh wait
RBFho (1:18:27 AM): no
RBFho (1:18:29 AM): computers
ILoVeTv0 (1:18:30 AM): hes all computer
RBFho (1:18:36 AM): lol
ILoVeTv0 (1:18:39 AM): what a gaylord dude he is all looking at kiddie porn
RBFho (1:18:58 AM): lol
RBFho (1:19:15 AM): well dude you really think is wife would wanna do it with a guy going through cemo?
RBFho (1:19:21 AM): thats where he gets all his action
RBFho (1:19:25 AM): kiddie porn chat rooms
ILoVeTv0 (1:19:41 AM): HAHAH!!
ILoVeTv0 (1:19:46 AM): oh man u crack me up
ILoVeTv0 (1:19:58 AM): my skin is cracked cuz of the cold lol
RBFho (1:20:09 AM): lol
ILoVeTv0 (1:20:21 AM): ya dude spike like cant grab his hair no more when hes all balding
RBFho (1:20:26 AM): you need lotion rubbed on you
RBFho (1:20:31 AM): LMFAO
ILoVeTv0 (1:20:32 AM): dude i have a feeling im gonna put this convo up on livejournal
RBFho (1:20:40 AM): YOU REBOOTED UR LJ?!
ILoVeTv0 (1:20:49 AM): i never deleted it
ILoVeTv0 (1:20:52 AM): i just never went on
ILoVeTv0 (1:21:02 AM): i just keep it so creepy guys named max cant read out convos
RBFho (1:21:48 AM): lol
RBFho (1:21:51 AM): fuuuuuck yah
RBFho (1:22:01 AM): dude i try adding you but you never added me back cuz i started a new one
RBFho (1:22:08 AM): i still post our convos up
ILoVeTv0 (1:22:20 AM): oh dude i havent logged on in so lon
ILoVeTv0 (1:22:22 AM): g
ILoVeTv0 (1:22:25 AM): oh my god carlo look at this
ILoVeTv0 (1:22:30 AM):
http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://www.nsb.com/images/enewsletter/StefanPat.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.nsb.com/newsite/newsletterShow.asp%3FID%3D31&h=100&w=81&sz=5&hl=en&start=6&tbnid=9VLzqve857UV8M:&tbnh=82&tbnw=66&prev=/images%3Fq%3DStefan%2BBrogren%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DGILoVeTv0 (1:22:46 AM): tell me if u can see the little pic on top with joey and snake
RBFho (1:23:04 AM): ...it says google
RBFho (1:23:20 AM): i dont see anything
ILoVeTv0 (1:23:24 AM): fuck
ILoVeTv0 (1:23:28 AM):
http://images.google.ca/images?hl=en&q=Stefan+Brogren&btnG=Search+ImagesILoVeTv0 (1:23:34 AM): how about that can u see the pics
RBFho (1:23:38 AM): no
RBFho (1:23:40 AM): its just googles
ILoVeTv0 (1:23:42 AM): xcdvjksbcjnasb
ILoVeTv0 (1:23:49 AM): ok go to www.google.ca
ILoVeTv0 (1:23:56 AM): then go to images then search
ILoVeTv0 (1:24:00 AM): Stefan Brogren
ILoVeTv0 (1:24:05 AM): and tell me when it comes up
ILoVeTv0 (1:24:14 AM): nevermind ill just send u the pic
File transfer for C:\Documents and Settings\Family\Desktop\mr simpson.jpg is complete.
RBFho (1:25:07 AM): hahah mr simpson
ILoVeTv0 (1:25:09 AM): hahahaha
ILoVeTv0 (1:25:11 AM): sjkdhsgdjkhasjk
RBFho (1:25:26 AM): omg
RBFho (1:25:28 AM): laksdjflksjd flmfao
RBFho (1:25:31 AM): holly shit
ILoVeTv0 (1:25:44 AM): hahaha
ILoVeTv0 (1:25:46 AM): isnt that funny
RBFho (1:25:54 AM): yah dude
ILoVeTv0 (1:26:23 AM): lol
ILoVeTv0 (1:26:30 AM): im such a loser im looking up degrassi pictures
RBFho (1:26:34 AM): lol
RBFho (1:26:41 AM): shows how cool you really are
ILoVeTv0 (1:26:54 AM): It's hour nine of the Degrassi Junior High marathon, and Snake and Joey have just been invited to a sex party
ILoVeTv0 (1:27:02 AM): ^thats from some article
RBFho (1:27:25 AM): ohh la la
RBFho (1:27:26 AM): lol
ILoVeTv0 (1:29:58 AM): and another wherein a main character starts giving blow jobs for bracelets
ILoVeTv0 (1:30:03 AM): ^have u seen that episode
RBFho (1:30:13 AM): LMFAO
RBFho (1:30:14 AM): i saw that
RBFho (1:30:25 AM): thats when everyone started getting sick
ILoVeTv0 (1:30:27 AM): do u still keep up with degrassi or no
ILoVeTv0 (1:30:29 AM): lol ya
RBFho (1:30:31 AM): and emma got one
RBFho (1:30:37 AM): and she was in that play
RBFho (1:30:42 AM): and that guy didnt want to kiss her
RBFho (1:30:44 AM): and yah!
ILoVeTv0 (1:30:57 AM): lol
ILoVeTv0 (1:30:59 AM): ya dude
ILoVeTv0 (1:31:09 AM): emma is all non virgin status i bet
ILoVeTv0 (1:31:14 AM): dude everyone is beating me to it!
RBFho (1:31:44 AM): hahaahaha
RBFho (1:31:48 AM): but that shit is scripted
ILoVeTv0 (1:31:50 AM): emma got fucking pretty from when she first started
RBFho (1:31:56 AM): i know dude
RBFho (1:32:01 AM): like she was ugly as shit
ILoVeTv0 (1:32:01 AM): ya but do u not remember how she looked like before
RBFho (1:32:04 AM): now..i would do her
ILoVeTv0 (1:32:07 AM): i know dude
RBFho (1:32:16 AM): lol fucking braces
RBFho (1:32:17 AM): be head
RBFho (1:32:21 AM): eww she went out with sean
RBFho (1:32:25 AM): wtf did he see in her?
ILoVeTv0 (1:32:41 AM): i dont know dude
RBFho (1:32:43 AM): they fucking made out inthe forest i remember that and i was like "ewwwww..awkward ugly moment"
ILoVeTv0 (1:32:47 AM): sean used to be hella ugly before too
ILoVeTv0 (1:32:55 AM): hahaha
ILoVeTv0 (1:32:59 AM): was that when she was ugly
RBFho (1:33:25 AM): yah dude
RBFho (1:33:31 AM): but she was all goody too
ILoVeTv0 (1:33:35 AM): DUDE DUDE DUDE remmeber when emma and sean went on their first date and emma totally got bird-shat on!!!
RBFho (1:33:44 AM): PainLessDream99 (10:11:26 PM):i love you
PainLessDream99 (10:11:29 PM):
RBFho (10:11:46 PM):......ok
RBFho (1:33:49 AM): hahahahahah that made me laugh
ILoVeTv0 (1:33:54 AM): who is that dennis?
RBFho (1:33:59 AM): OMG
RBFho (1:34:04 AM): ..hahah yah
ILoVeTv0 (1:34:37 AM): sean is kinda hot, like around the time he stole mr. Simpsons lap top, but now sinces hes got that gay supermodel hair..hes not doing it for me anymore
RBFho (1:35:04 AM): lol
RBFho (1:35:07 AM): homo dude
RBFho (1:35:21 AM): yah he was hot when he was all greased up and baggy
ILoVeTv0 (1:35:25 AM): ya dude have u seen the new episodes
ILoVeTv0 (1:35:37 AM): when hes in jail
RBFho (1:35:45 AM): depends on what you consider new
RBFho (1:35:48 AM): WHAT!
RBFho (1:35:49 AM): no
ILoVeTv0 (1:36:05 AM): oh nevermind
ILoVeTv0 (1:36:13 AM): dude do u not watch noggin anymore??
ILoVeTv0 (1:36:45 AM): oh my god dude...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8Zjw1VTQFERBFho (1:37:39 AM): i forgot what channel it was
RBFho (1:37:46 AM): they fucking changed it on me
ILoVeTv0 (1:37:48 AM):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8Zjw1VTQFEILoVeTv0 (1:38:00 AM): watch that its fucking mr simpson saying bad words
ILoVeTv0 (1:38:04 AM): dude find out!
RBFho (1:38:19 AM): ewwwwwwwwwwwwww
RBFho (1:38:35 AM): what the fuck!!!
ILoVeTv0 (1:38:41 AM): r u watching it??
ILoVeTv0 (1:38:50 AM): its fucking random
RBFho (1:39:03 AM): omg it was the dog part
ILoVeTv0 (1:39:36 AM): haha go to minute 3.37 of the clip
RBFho (1:39:39 AM): lol
ILoVeTv0 (1:39:40 AM): its funny
RBFho (1:39:41 AM): you cock tease
RBFho (1:39:42 AM): LMFAO
RBFho (1:39:46 AM): prison sexy love
RBFho (1:39:48 AM): LMFAO OMG
RBFho (1:39:50 AM): hahahahahaha
RBFho (1:39:55 AM): a mother fucking pussy fight
ILoVeTv0 (1:40:00 AM): i know dude
RBFho (1:41:04 AM): wtf...im think im getting stupider the more i watch it
ILoVeTv0 (1:41:05 AM): oh my god oh my god theyre doing a skit from fight club!!!
ILoVeTv0 (1:41:21 AM): "bitch slap club"
RBFho (1:41:54 AM): he has bitch tits dude
ILoVeTv0 (1:42:04 AM): 'you better step off bitch before i make you my woman'
ILoVeTv0 (1:42:07 AM): i know dude!
RBFho (1:42:14 AM): lol
RBFho (1:43:12 AM): LMFAO
RBFho (1:43:17 AM): i just watched that part
RBFho (1:43:20 AM): ...but i am your woman
ILoVeTv0 (1:43:24 AM): hahaha
RBFho (1:43:55 AM): LMFAO
ILoVeTv0 (1:44:21 AM): lol
ILoVeTv0 (1:44:55 AM): that blood looks all like chilli status
RBFho (1:45:05 AM): or ketchup
ILoVeTv0 (1:45:09 AM): ya
RBFho (1:45:10 AM): ...wait ya chilli
ILoVeTv0 (1:45:13 AM): step off bitch
RBFho (1:46:06 AM): before i make you my woman?
ILoVeTv0 (1:46:11 AM): lol
ILoVeTv0 (1:46:22 AM): this shit is funny
RBFho (1:46:29 AM): its soo fucking weird dude
ILoVeTv0 (1:46:34 AM): have u seen the touretes guy on youtube
RBFho (1:46:36 AM): like...wtf is he saying about bar fights?
RBFho (1:46:40 AM): nah
ILoVeTv0 (1:46:41 AM): i dont know
ILoVeTv0 (1:46:49 AM): ill show u its sooo fucking fujny
ILoVeTv0 (1:46:51 AM): funny
ILoVeTv0 (1:47:10 AM): ew dude i fastforwaded to the end
ILoVeTv0 (1:47:15 AM): and it was all weird
RBFho (1:47:46 AM): lmfao
RBFho (1:47:48 AM): what the shit
RBFho (1:47:52 AM): what the shit!!
RBFho (1:47:55 AM): omg what the shit!
ILoVeTv0 (1:48:03 AM): the weiner part????
ILoVeTv0 (1:48:04 AM): hahaha
RBFho (1:48:10 AM): im just now watching it
RBFho (1:48:22 AM): AHHH HIS ASS DUDE!
RBFho (1:48:27 AM): hahahaahaha
ILoVeTv0 (1:48:42 AM): hahahahahaha
ILoVeTv0 (1:49:00 AM): i like the music at the end
ILoVeTv0 (1:49:05 AM): wow that was a good 11 minutes
RBFho (1:49:12 AM): daaamn
RBFho (1:49:29 AM): seemed like forever cuz i just wanted the creepyness to stop...cuz for fucks sakes...thats snake
ILoVeTv0 (1:49:47 AM): lol ya
ILoVeTv0 (1:51:02 AM): fuck dude i cant find that tourettes guy
ILoVeTv0 (1:51:07 AM): like the one i watched last night
ILoVeTv0 (1:51:09 AM): hang on
RBFho (1:51:12 AM): is it gross?
ILoVeTv0 (1:51:19 AM): no its so fucking hilarious
RBFho (1:51:51 AM): niiice
ILoVeTv0 (1:52:34 AM): oh my got yes i found it!
ILoVeTv0 (1:52:46 AM):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqtr_RvR3sYRBFho (1:53:24 AM): omg
ILoVeTv0 (1:53:36 AM): dont talk shit about total!!
RBFho (1:53:36 AM): who's that faggot with the tuba?
RBFho (1:53:38 AM): LMFAO
RBFho (1:53:40 AM): bob saget
RBFho (1:53:44 AM): LMFAO LMFAO
RBFho (1:53:48 AM): lol
ILoVeTv0 (1:53:53 AM): it gets funnier
RBFho (1:54:07 AM): lol
ILoVeTv0 (1:54:19 AM): what partr u on
RBFho (1:54:20 AM): you hit me in the dick
RBFho (1:54:25 AM): lucky it wasnt hard
ILoVeTv0 (1:54:26 AM): haha
RBFho (1:54:26 AM): lol
RBFho (1:55:04 AM): lol
ILoVeTv0 (1:55:12 AM): this fish sticks are hard as tits!
RBFho (1:55:15 AM): chickent shit bull shit
RBFho (1:55:25 AM): tit dirt!!!
RBFho (1:55:26 AM): omg
ILoVeTv0 (1:55:29 AM): hahaha
RBFho (1:57:08 AM): BITCH
RBFho (1:57:11 AM): I LOVE YOU
ILoVeTv0 (1:57:14 AM): haha
ILoVeTv0 (1:57:34 AM): youre grounded!
ILoVeTv0 (1:57:39 AM): that part is funny
RBFho (1:57:39 AM): what for?
RBFho (1:57:42 AM): lol
ILoVeTv0 (1:57:53 AM): dad theres a white thing on the floor
ILoVeTv0 (1:57:58 AM): THATS MY ASS!
RBFho (1:58:30 AM): LMFAO
RBFho (1:58:40 AM): id like to tit fuck her with my ass
RBFho (1:58:42 AM): lol
RBFho (1:58:48 AM): dude thats soo going on my myspace hahaha
ILoVeTv0 (1:58:49 AM): lolol
RBFho (1:58:51 AM): im such a loser
ILoVeTv0 (1:59:06 AM): dude wait max gave me that
ILoVeTv0 (1:59:09 AM): lol
ILoVeTv0 (1:59:16 AM): do it if u like
RBFho (1:59:30 AM): ...no thanks lol
ILoVeTv0 (1:59:41 AM): lol iots a good thing i gave u a heads up huh