(no subject)

Feb 17, 2007 15:01

Of all the films i thought i'd never find in town, i found Superfly on DVD for 12 quid in Virgin, now i went looking for Shaft originally but for some batty reason which i can only assume was the fault of whitey - nowhere had Shaft (im quite aware of the hilarious double entrendres on offer here).

I forgot howw eird an ending Sueprfly had,i'd only seen it once before buying this and remembered it as some insane drug fuelled pimp led kung fu action blaxploitation flick. There's a bit of that but the ends just so fucking odd.

The chief of police informs Superfly he wont let him leave the drug dealing business, Superfly knocks the shit out of his two henchmen and stands there, looks at the police chief and says "I GOT A CONTRACT ON YOU - I SO MUCH AS CHOKE ON A FUCKIN' CHICKENBONE AND YOU AND YOUR WHOLE FAMILY IS GONE, Y'DIG??" and drives off into the sun. and thats it.

Luckily i;ve got a copy of Black Belt Jones to repair any faith i might have lost in god awful but charming early 70's underground cinema.

Hello, by the way, since i last posted Walk The Plank split up and i'm certain whenever a video shows up i'll be there covered in shit mud and eber with my trousers nearly half off trying to sign along. It never goes right, ever.
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