Aug 22, 2004 17:38
kk so friday night i went over 2 jennas 2 hang out w/ her and amy for a while. then jenna spent the nite. we stayed up till 3 talking 2 ryan!! we were on the fone w/ him for like 5 hours!! :-X omg! lol! and we both had 2 get up @ 630 for practice and riding! lol yah it was pretty hard getting up! lol then saturday @ practice we got one set of uniforms! they r sooo cute! then i just came home and slept FOREVER. then me siga and catlyn went 2 the movies. i LOVE them!! they r sooo awesome! then 2day i got up and went over 2 amys... omg she did a triathalon today and got 3rd in all the girls!!! omg how awesome is she?! hah and she saw my ashlyy there! yay! then we just hung out for awhile... well fell asleep watching tv but same thing! lol then she had 2 leave to go babysit :( omg we have the academy and then the jamboree tomorrow!! im sooo nervous/excited!! ;) ahhh!! cant wait!!!
...i CaNt WaIt UnTiL tUeSdAy!! ;) YaH!
<3 KiMmY KiNs!