Aug 06, 2004 12:09
k yesterday after noon ron, matt, and bruce came home from hawaii!! so i got 2 hang out w/ them some. but then they left but its ok cuz im going out 2 cali. saturday 2 see them and lizz!! yay then last nite me and jenna went 2 teenies... and DERRICK was there... o boy. we werent 2 happy bout that... lol but he left pretty quick after we were there. haha everyone just hung out and watched movies and stuff. then we walked all the way back 2 jennas!!! lol and on the way home we went 2 mcdonalds and then these 3 stoned guys were following us and making piegon noices!!! ahh!! and then we talked to **MaRcUs** for THREE HOURS!! yay!! can u say hottie?!?! "he just caught my eye" "damn its like snap, crackle, POP!" lol omg, jenna i luv u soooo much!! now im at my house just waiting for nick and his dad to finally get here... theyr driving down today for a week and a half for testing. yay ill get 2 paint his nails again!! lol