Entry #14: Antigone

Apr 30, 2012 23:39

 I had once read Oedipus in high school and had only heard people telling me what Antigone was about, I was pretty anxious to hear the story continued. I think Antigone is a story about revenge in a more subtle way. The story seemed to be revenge from the gods, I guess it can also be described as karma. The Ruler of Thebes, Creon, became overwhelmed and drunk off power. Creon began to misuse his power by trying to dishonor the rebel brother by not allowing him a proper burial. Creon also misused his power by using the threat of death to anyone who tried to bury him. Antigone could not handle the thought of her brother being dishonored so she decided to bury him herself. Antigone’s fiancé tries to spare her life but at this point, it is hopeless. Creon eventually visits a psychic. Creon did not change his mind to spare Antigone until he learned that he himself would be the one who ended up hurt. The fact that Creon did not change his mind until he realized that he would be affected just goes to show how selfish he is. When Creon decides to spare Antigone it is already too late. Creon’s son killed himself and his wife killed herself because she was so sad. Creon was too proud to admit that what he was doing was wrong. Creon symbolizes a selfish being. In this case the saying what goes around comes back around is quite true.  
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