Last night, gaming ended very late. It didn't remotely feel that late, even though I'd been half-asleep all day.
This morning we overslept. Rather than make my husband (who needed to drive me in) super-late to work (and since I did have a headache) I called in sick this morning and brought dinner to work so I won't leave until bedtime.
Inconsiderate people called all morning. I gave up on more sleep around 10:30.
I walked briskly in chain mail before eating anything. That confused my body a lot.
Things that got accomplished:
- Exercise
- Answered email
- Leveled my Treyvan character who's about to go on vacation
- Washed, dried and remade sheets on bed
- Ordered stuff on Amazon, including two books recommended by Trace and a CD with a song used in a response to Lindsay's survey, using the gift certificates that were presents from Wayne and Kyle (This was just the LJ order from hell. It even included strategy guides for my husband for games he's been addicted to by Tanner.)
I'm now in at work, until bedtime. I feel mostly awake, though, so I have high hopes for productivity.
Still. Weird, weird day for timing.