Jul 21, 2007 18:39
Well, how about a update no? XD
Let's see, work is really great. Nice tips, and alright pay. Being a waitress is good practice for going up to the pond house in maine. They pay VERY well. Good money for college. Let's see, colorguard wise. Two people quit. One was well, expected and the other quit because she quit. Oh well, we have replacements already. In total, I think we have about erm 11..12? people? yeah sounds sbout right. What bugs me though is that so many people wanted to join and yet half of the don't snow up or even try. I know Brit's comming which is good. My saber I will be getting Augest 2nd I belive. <3333
Well the band music this year sounds ALOT like the beer song played at Anime Boston this year. lol yeah. XD Geuss what the stand will be singing?
Let's see, life. Pretty good. I have a job, friends, and hobbies XD Anime seems to be my biggest. Colorguard is a must. Instead of WoW I've been playing Maple Story. XD Erm let's see. Been reading the 7th book, really good so far but she seems to taking an emo turn from what I read in the first 7 chapter. O_o weird. XD
Anyways, tomorrow I'll be at Fenway with my family. Although my dad got sick so we might have a extra ticket. Problly one of John's friends are going because they seem more into all time anyways.
For gaming wise, I'm still playing Pokemon Peral. God life whould so much eaisr if you could just say you want to be a Pokemon master. XD Anyways, I'm on the last chapter of Disgaea 2 (FINALLY) and at Kevin in Xenosaga. God he's such a evil little egg sandwich, can't hurt him unless he's on his break >.<
Well, let's see. Jonais is having a sale and I need fabric to make my costume. Plus I've been board out of my mind reading the 7th book. XD