Sick. Fak Jeea...

Aug 12, 2011 14:45

I feel ill.
I cough and sneeze.
My head hurts as well as my chest does.

Do not approach without painkillers and mug of hot tea in offer.

Something new: Account

Title: Set Theory & Combinatorics; Part I
Words: 1,506
Series: Saiyuki
Rating: PG (up to R in whole)
Characters: Ukoku/Koumyou(clone)
Comment: Continuation of Count to N. Joined fanfiction with my GF (also as beta).

He looked up. After staring at the screen of his computer for hours, he brushed fingertips against his eyelids and groaned. He’d closed his eyes for the first time since said few hours. But all the machine programming, all the stupid, tiring-yet-necessary work was done now. The full-body specimen was floating beneath the glass of a test tube. For his sight, in the spot next to the right side of his computer screen. Once again, he started to think that it could be rather exhausting part of experiment, despite steady development and all the measured statistics. Pressure, heart-rate, brainwaves and their activity. All normal. At least, what he considered and noticed to be normal in developing processes of creature of this kind. New number, new things to note down and discover. After some sad accidents with few of the first “test subjects”, 6 should be way better after almost one year and half of “break”. Of course, it wasn’t a plain coffee time or laziness break. He’d spent too much time thinking, planning and designing schemes. Playing a scientist like he didn’t even want to try on his “work” that considered demon revival. Especially when youkai queen started to enjoy his presence more and more each week. Ah, silly women.
Now it was all supposed to be different. He planned 6 for so much time after all. Checked for all genetic diseases and abnormalities. Even managed to get the voice simulation completely clear, so the subject would sound like “him”.

The project surprised him enough at the beginning, to be honest. With subject’s eyes only half-closed, he could see the pretty cognac-gold colour through almost white eyelashes. Those eyes should be the same. The very same as he remembered them so vividly… All the small dots and changes of colour. Not all pigments went visible though. Not yet. Especially hair, which still had more wheat-and-flour colour than sunrays’ gold. Half-transparent in some places, keratin building its chains rather slowly.

Eyes. Blinking. The light was too much and he shut them again but the light was still there, dimmer but coming through closed eyelids. Unable to move away from it but not able to. Everything felt slowed around him, which was strange because he wasn't even sure what was around him. Finally deciding to deal with the light he opened his eyes slowly. The liquid moving about him moved his body gently, but it never touched anything, the walls too far away. There was movement he thought but couldn't "see" anything, his eyes shut again, the light diminished enough for now. Once more, he "slept".

That was close. Too close, to make it clear. Stupid youkai bitch with sixth sense walking near the basement and his hidden lab-kingdom. Only because he “borrowed” one set of intravenous ports and three packs of sodium chloride drip. Those things were so common after all. He didn’t even touch the life-support equipment that would be really needed. Neither the haemodialysis machine that would be a key item to improve 4’s chances of surviving. He ordered the machine after disposing 4’s body. First was renal failure and then the liver went “on vacation” and stopped functioning.
It wasn’t very similar to “him” though, when it deteriorated. Subject 4 barely could speak at the beginning, then went completely silent in day of kidney failure. Ukoku considered the steady development of voice cords as a big step forward anyway, but the rest was a slight disappointment. Especially after autopsy, which showed some organs being off completely.
Yet now he had to get rid of spying Hwang in only one possible way. Meaning, to replace the “borrowed” items with similar ones and say that he tried to work on something late at night and simply failed. Or that the redhead princess escaped with all the life-support system equipment again when he tried to get some samples. So easy and so hard at the same time. But sounding less suspicious than a direct “Don’t sniff near the basement here and there”. Hwang wasn’t that dumb.

Looking at the test tube, he grinned softly. Too tired to smile or to manage a full grin, if he would like. Those enchanting orbs of golden colour. Like a demon or deity. Personally, he couldn’t say which one Koumyou was. Probably a mix of both. Cruel and innocent. Bitter and sweet. Hurting and pleasuring.
The specimen seemed to blink then. That brought his attention onto the pile of flesh. It still had some days until his brain would develop to the point of actual usage for a human being. Did the stimulation because of not closed eyes turned his experiment onto another track?
It’s not like 6 couldn’t move his eyelids or that they were too short to cover eyeballs. Somehow he could felt the gaze on himself. His lips curled into a proper grin then and his hand went against the glass of the tube. Nose almost poking the glass. Come on, pretty one. Ukoku knew that human’s ability of mimicking emotions should work. The specimen’s lips twitched a bit. It seemed like it was curious and could see him. As a rather blurry image, yet still. Yet reacted to him.
“You seem to have some charisma after all.”, he muttered, going to check the machine’s readings. They changed indeed, all of them. Even with pulse and certain regions of brain cortex’s responses. 6 had some kind of feelings.
That made him laugh at himself when he bent against the desk, covered with papers and notes. Feelings.

His hair, as he knew it to be called, swept up near his face and went onto his lip. That was uncomfortable and needed to be remedied. Licking at it to try and remove it only served to get it into his mouth. His body wasn't the best at moving in the liquid around him and he let his mouth open to let it fill completely with the liquid, to help remove the offending hair, before expelling everything with a heave. He felt he should find this more strange a sensation, but it was all he had ever known.

Omitting to take some notes, Ukoku reserved himself the night to do such a thing. Sitting in front of his test tube, he check on parameters and “behaviour”, if one could name it like this. The thing inside seemed to move. Slowly drifting in amnion fluid with his hair like a veil, wrapping against. They turned golden after a week of observation. Of course, reaching the length of about 5 feet as Ukoku’s eyes measured.
When he looked up after noting some observations down, he almost backed out on his chair. Helping himself to regain balance, he stood and moved closely. 6’s hand was pressed lightly against the glass and his eyes were opened. He’d never saw something like this with other specimens before. Ukoku’s nose pressed against the glass as 6’s mouth moved. Just like a siren, singing to him and dragging him into depths. Maybe he was hallucinating after all? Not enough sleep today... He could be napping on his desk, dreaming of a meeting...
No. He couldn’t be asleep. After all, the pen’s nib was pinning into his palm as his fist was closed. It hurt and he could feel it. As well as he could see those eyes staring into his own. Damn.

Nothing changed much for him. Time was just endless, it felt. Slowly he began to take notice of more and more movement around him. "The Other" would come close and then go away. The dark haired "other", always making marks on something he held in his hands. Seeing the "other" was always nice, since it gave him something interesting to watch, but it was lonely in here. He wanted to be "talked" to. Often the other looked at him but didn't see him, seeming busy with all the other things around. Trying to speak to the other, yet unable to form words. Not even to properly make sound with the liquid filling his throat, even as he opened his mouth. Still, he moved it, hoping the "other" understood. Moving through the liquid wasn't easy, but he got his hand up to the invisible wall. Pressing it there to help keep it up. It was cold feeling, yet it was such a welcome change that he was excited about it.
Then the "other" was there, peering at him with narrowed eyes. Moving his mouth more, glad to have brought attention on to himself. The "other" seemed way more interested now.

How he wanted to rip those golden hair out. Poke those eyes out. Scream at the image of the man that left him behind, caring about someone else more. After it all seemed to be… so important. Sometimes he just couldn’t stop thinking that it was all a cruel game.
Look Koumyou. Look what you’d done to me. To Raven’s Cry of yours. You’d left behind a scavenger instead of aviator. Ukoku knew he wouldn’t fly. Never.

fanfiction, saiyuki

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