The Spirit

Jan 08, 2009 20:04

The Spirit was bad for many reasons. Sin City, which started the whole chroma-key "graphic novel on the screen" fad, was a whole lot better... and I didn't really like that one a whole lot, either. It seems to me that while comic strips in a newspaper were short and to the point--leaving little room for real characters and only flat cardboard cut-outs--Hollywood is happy to transfer that exact same formula into a 2-hour movie. And it's boring.

I found the dialogue to be bad. I can understand the style of dialogue because the comic, of which it is based, is from the 1940s detective noire era but its delivery was terrible. It is 40's camp and I happen to find it irrelevant as a piece of entertainment.

If you like style, you'll find something to like in The Spirit. If you like style with substance, you'll be gravely disappointed... I, personally, don't actually feel disappointed. I'm quite indifferent to it; it means absolutely nothing to me.

I just remembered I wasn't the only one who fell to sleep during the film. There was a group of people a couple of rows behind us. When we were walking out as the credits rolled, I overheard one of them saying they'd fallen to sleep.

Also, I've been reading some reviews where people have actually been walking out during the film.


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