Title: The Burn
Series: Mad Season
Category: WWE
Disclaimer: McMahon and Titan Sports own WWE.
Rating: General
Pairings: Lita/Triple H
Spoilers: Nothing specific.
Summary: There's always a burn.
Notes: Second in series. First can be found
"here" She laughed, the light sound sending chills down his spine. Of course, he didn’t let his reaction show. He settled further down in his chair, his eyes drifting back to her continuously.
Her red hair cascaded down her back in waves, the fiery colour practically glowing. Her eyes sparkled with laughter, her lips curved into an easy smile. And dear god, but he sounded like such a sap.
What in the hell was happening to him? He’d never thought he could be so affected, so unbalanced by a woman. Yet, here she was, haunting his every thought. The now familiar feeling of desire crept through him, almost a small ache.
Lust. That’s what it was. If the continuous burn of desire inside him didn’t tell him, then his thoughts pretty much proved it. He saw beautiful, gorgeous women everyday, but it was only her lips that he thought about kissing. Only her hair that he felt like threading his hands through, only her waist he wanted to wrap his arms around. Only her body he felt like exploring, like touching and tasting. Only her. Always her.
What was it about Lita that made him feel this way? He’d known her for years, but had never thought about her like this. I mean, sure, he’d always thought she was hot as hell, but he’d never wanted her like this, not to this extent.
What had changed? When had it changed? Even as he asked himself the questions, he realised he already knew the answers. That kiss, that one, stolen, drunken kiss. He’d had a small taste of her, had had enough time to lose himself in the softness of her lips, of her skin. And he wanted more…he wanted her.
His body began to react as he remembered how her lips had parted under his and how her small hands had clutched at his shirt. How she had sounded when she’d moaned softly. Just her.
His blue eyes settled on her face, gently tracing the curve of her jaw, the planes of her cheek. He finally looked at her eyes and froze when he found himself staring into bottomless hazel depths.
His heart thudded in his chest, and the world seemed to stop. Unable to tear his eyes away, he watched as a rosy blush coloured her cheeks, her eyes widening.
His gut clenched, an array of indescribable emotions flooding through him as she stared at him silently, her cherry red lips parted slightly. Unconsciously, his tongue slipped out to wet his suddenly dry lips, and this time it was his eyes that widened as something flashed in her eyes.
Could it be that she, to some degree, felt the same as he did? He continued to look at her, frowning when someone stepped into his line of sight and blocked his view of the redheaded diva.
Slowly, he got off the chair and headed for the door. His eyes locked once more with those of Lita’s, and again her eyes widened as she correctly interpreted what he was trying to tell her.
He kept walking out of the room, and stopped in an empty locker room. He didn’t have to wait for long, Lita hesitantly stepping through the door a couple of extremely long minutes later.
They stared at each other silently, each completely still. Then all of a sudden he reached for her, his arms wrapping around her slight frame as his lips descended to meet hers in a searing kiss.
Desire burned in him, hot and furious, and Hunter was sure the only person who could put it out was the redheaded beauty in his arms.
Both were so lost in the kiss that neither noticed the longhaired blonde staring at them through the open doorway, his blue eyes full of shock.
End The Burn