
Podcast, Interview, Review - Roundup!

Dec 01, 2011 14:43

Hey there,

I've been really bad at keeping track of articles, interviews, podcasts- that kind of thing. So here's a roundup of some of the press-related items that I've done or spotted over the last 7 months or so.

I was included in the Graphic Ladies tumblr which is pretty neat.

Before TCAF the National Post sent out questionnaires to artists here's mine.

At TCAF I had the pleasure of getting interviewed with Adam Cadwell by Jimmy Aquino for The Comic News Insider. You can listen to that podcast here.
(We're past the middle not quite at the end)

Timonthy Swann reviewed both Galavant and The Everyday for MOMBcast #95 back in July. You can have a listen here- we're an hour into the show.

More recently I did an interview with Andy for "I Live Sweat"- a wonderful webzine. I think this was probably my favourite interview. Really nice dude- I like how it turned out. You can read it here.

Annnd I ended up in the following photo and review from Richard for the Forbidden Planet blog for this year's Thought Bubble.

I like how Andrew and I are all serious business.

(Andrew Tunney, Me, The Cadwell)

I'm gonna try my best not to leave these suckers for so long next time around. heh.

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