May 06, 2011 10:08
I had a rather weird dream the other night. I was riding a bicycle on the highway out towards King's in Wintersville (even if only Missy knows what I'm talking about) but I got off and took a backroad. I ended up on some hills that my dreams made up, and next thing I know I'm at this small clearing. I've been here before in other dreams, though I usually get there by the road near the neighborhood I grew up in (by McKee street, again, for Missy's reference).
Last time I was here, the clearing led to a giant hillside with a HUGE stone door that was closed. When I say Huge I mean you could drive a blimp through it drunk without worrying about hitting anything. This time the stone door was gone, and there was a smaller entrance about the size of your average double doors. There were also people here, having some type of cookout. They were all super friendly, but a little "off" somehow. Normally I can't sense this in dreams, this is the first time that other people have given me vibrations in a dream.
There was a pavillion by the hillside, and I distinctly remember thinking "we should have a grove ritual here". After that thought, everyone started going inside the door into the hillside. Ever the eavesdropper and nib-noser I followed in behind them. When we got inside we were in an auditorium, and there was a very odd ritual going on inside. They called themselves "The Grove of Lovers" and they were from all faiths, christian to pagan to atheist. There were sychronized dances doing on, drumming, and people praying in front of a christmas tree.
I got up and started looking around, and a man said "What you're looking for is down the hall and to the left". I started walking and that led me to a bathroom, lo and behold I suddenly had to pee. After relieving myself, I magically pulled out a red lighter and a red piece of something that can only be compared to a single-serving Reese cup wrapper. It had the symbol for Muladhara, the root chakra, on it. It was red too, so the colors matched. When I held it in my hands it floated an inch above my palms and started spinning slowly. It was weird, but I suddenly got the feeling of "I need to give this to someone". So I went outside, found one of the dancers who was dressed in red, and gave her the chakra. She started crying out with joy screaming "you found it!".
After that point I decided "this is too fucking weird" and woke myself up. Now I'm just confused. I got a distinct presence of Aphrodite from all of that, and I offered her half of my breakfast when I got to eating. It was weird, but all day yesterday I truly was just full of love, love for everyone. Love for life, love for myself, love for the earth, love for every small thing that happened. I could get used to this, so I'm going to keep working with Aphrodite and see what happens.