20 Random Facts About Me (I'm trying for ones you don't know), tagged by
cherrycity- The first thing I ever wanted to be when I grow up was a food stylist.
- I over-label people and sometimes, I'm not even bothered by it.
- I'd like more houseplants, but it seems cruel to keep them indoors.
- I strongly prefer watching movies in a cinema, but cannot afford to do it consistently.
- I dislike talking on the phone with anyone other than my sister.
- During the past semester, I can't remember feeling homesick at all.
- My memory for faces and people is exceptional, but I pretend it isn't because I'm embarrassed to "know" so many when I am known by so few.
- Regardless of what bed I am in, I always sleep with my back facing away from the closest wall.
- I prefer being in rooms which are not fully lit, and I find candlelight to be the best source of light available.
- When I was little, I wished I looked Asian because I thought Asian girls were the prettiest.
- It hurts to admit I don't sing as well as I'd like to.
- Even though I hate snow, I want to experience a white Christmas.
- I am only interested in France because I speak French.
- While I hate wearing clothing, I have no interest in going to a nudist colony and would probably be very uncomfortable there.
- The more cats I meet, the less I like them as pets. My imaginary friend when I was a child was a pet cat, but I have no interest in owning one at this point.
- I have tried to teach myself to play guitar at least five times, yet I never make it far enough in the book to have learned the notes on all of the strings.
- I want to go bird-watching.
- I try to make myself sound busier than I am to excuse my poor time-management abilities.
- I subscribe to a magazine to assure I get mail, but I feel guilty over the waste of paper when I could read it online.
- Starting sentences with "I" bothers me, yet it is hard to avoid when talking about myself.
cheeekan (and you have to do things I do not know!),
artsy_freak (so you can avoid your paper :D),
ladyshanae and anybody else who wants to do it. EDIT: I am tagging
flyingfree42 so she actually updates :P
Registration for next semester has rolled around, and I'm very excited about my courses again. Last year, I had to meet so many introductory requirements that I would really only have one educational highlight a semester, but now I am excited about all of my classes. Hopefully, I'll be taking Introduction to Anthropology, Models of Development, Conservation Biology, DDR (a PE class!) and Beginning Spanish.
The only kink in my schedule has occurred because they moved around the times for the French classes, thus making it impossible for me to take Anthropology of Communication and Media, which I had been looking forward to. I'm very nervous about French next semester because I'll finally be leaving the linear 5-semester program and entering into the classes where there will be a variety of ability levels present. This semester is the first time I'll ever get less than an A in French, and my ego is not excited about the prospect of repeating this in the future.
The Republic - "The "Republic," a product of the French Revolution, understood the individual as a "citizen", devoid of religious, ethnic, or gender identity. Studies how this notion has fared in light of developments, such as European integration, immigration, colonialism, and multiculturalism."
Quests for the Absolute: Journeys in Poetry and Prose -"Imagination, the drug experience, even madness can convey absolute meaning. Creative journeys in prose and poetry by Balzac, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Maria Krysinska, Senghor, Bonnefoy are read and topics of good and evil; racial and gender identity; love and intimacy; spiritual faith, and explored."
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