Between the rather fabulous preview in SFX and this fantastic interview
with Matt Smith in the Guardian today I am really getting rather excited by the return of Doctor Who. The smart money is on it returning over the Easter weekend which means the 3rd of April, which means it's less than a month away! Matt comes over superbly well in the Guardian; my favourite bit is his response to the interviewer asking him if he fancies Karen Gillan: "No, listen, she's a beautiful woman, you know, but we work together - that would be an error. That would be an error!" Adorableness!
The SFX preview is great too. It sounds like Amy's character is going to be rather feisty, which makes me happy. As does this quote from Moffat: "I think children will always need a hero who fights monsters but never becomes one. I think that's such an important story for children. And when I say children I mean children of 48." That sounds utterly like my conception of Doctor Who. I can only hope it lives up to the expectations I'm beginning to pile up! Also, in the real world, that cover above is a 3D lenticular thing, which is very shiny indeed! :D
Meanwhile in the actual world things are finally looking up after the general horribleness of the first two months of 2010. I claimed there would be an epic post about how rubbish it all was, but in all honesty I'd rather not dwell. So,
I was supposed to be moving back to Bath with two other girls I knew from Uni, but then one of them pulled out at the last minute and got funny about paying her share of the holding fees and things, which was ridiculous as it was her fault we had to fork out. It only really affected me monetarily as I wasn't that close to her, but she was really good friends with the other girl and it's messed that up for them a bit, which is a great shame. Anyway, Holly and I have since found somewhere to move in just the two of us. It's going to cost an absolute fortune and I'm going to be eating basics beans on toast for the next few weeks, but it's only for 6 months and I really need the change of scenery in order to sort my head out. I love my family, but living at home has filled me with an indescribable inertia with regard to the future and moving back to Bath will hopefully be the kick up the arse I need to sort myself out! It's possible I'll come crawling back home with my tail between my legs and no money for my masters, but Holly and I have agreed that even if this venture turns out to be a failure at least we'll have tried to do something with ourselves.
My general feeling of ennui has not been helped by being out of work for about 3 weeks and also breaking up with my boyfriend of 2-almost -3 years just before Valentine's day. The latter was one of those decisions which I knew was coming for sometime, but which still somehow took me by surprise at the time. I'm fine with it now; it was the right thing to do as we'd grown so far apart and were moving in completely different directions; but still, bit sad. Though now I'm over it I have to admit to rather embracing being single and looking forward to all the possibilities; I'm sure I should be able to find myself some lovely arty Bath boy to provide for my every whim!
So, I am now fully focused on the future! We should be moving in to the new flat next Saturday and what I should be doing is sorting out utilities and finding a job. Instead I appear to be shopping for lamps and cushions! Ooops!