06/07/12 - Joined the game! Starter Pack: 3x heart, sweeper14, targetnights19, violence08, cooking04, betrayer20, ogre01, suwabe18
06/07/12 - Freebies: surgeon15, enoshima19, yellow, clover
06/07/12 - Wheel of Fortune (Romance): informant08, deceiver03
06/07/12 - Broken hearts: homicidal20, star18, chef10
06/07/12 - Coin flip: kine18, paradox06
06/07/12 - Pick a Host: heart, heart
06/07/12 - Read my mind: vigilante08, rude17
06/07/12 - Black Jack: brothers01, mithril04, orange
06/07/12 - Memory: namikawa12, purpose20
06/07/12 - Hangman: 1stgeneration01, timetravel18, green
06/07/12 - Catch 'Em All: crusnik17, refreshing19, savior11
06/07/12 - Puzzle: puzzle03, targetnights06, roadroller03, paradox06
06/07/12 - Find the Spy: delinquent20, delinquent16, clover, rose
06/07/12 - Instant Lottery: knave02, deceiver13, prince16
06/07/12 - Familiar voice: wings07, roadroller19, kine01, orange
06/07/12 - Extra Lessons: thewell11, okawari02, refreshing05
06/07/12 - Who is he?: vatican02, king05, roseknights08
06/07/12 - Astrology: 1stgeneration16, myboy02, assistant17, blue
06/07/12 - Puzzle Chain (1): shinmakoku07, protagonist19, blue, blue
06/07/12 - Puzzle Chain (2): rude15, roseknights17, rain10, rose
06/07/12 - Puzzle Chain (3): miyano07, 1stgeneration04, protagonist16, star15, orange, yellow
06/07/12 - Puzzle Chain (4): brothers01, book09, timetravel19, dragoon17, sweeper18, rose
06/07/12 - Puzzle Chain (5): star04, cowboy01, knave07, cowboy19, thewell12, targetnights05, 2x heart, 1 point
06/07/12 - Doubles Trade-In: brothers01, paradox06 for seigetsu05, minami19
06/07/12 - XOXO: refreshing07, violence04, rose
06/07/12 - Whoops: five19, savior07, yellow, rose
06/07/12 - Hide & Seek 1: lovegene20, dragoon03, roseknights03, purpose19, blue, red, heart
06/07/12 - Hide & Seek 2: shinmakoku03, maga12, assistant15, ogre06, red, red, heart
06/16/12 - Puzzle: puzzle04, savior01, willow11, alterego05
06/16/12 - Who is he?: maga03, star12, delinquent08
06/16/12 - Astrology: 2he17, okawari14, chef14, yellow
06/16/12 - Find the Spy: assistant19, dragoon04, clover, rose
06/16/12 - Freebies: wizards01, crusnik12, red, clover
06/16/12 - War: surgeon04, yamamoto13, blue
06/16/12 - Wheel of Fortune (Intimacy): cooking07, opposites16, rose
06/16/12 - Pick a Host: homicidal01, timetravel12, wings01
06/30/12 - Update: motorcycle01/02/08/14/20, loverevo01/05, vocals10, phantom03, bookman09
06/30/12 - Puzzle: puzzle05, shadow10, deathscythe16, carrots02
06/30/12 - Who is he?: mithril09, kine14, deceiver06
06/30/12 - Freebies: homicidal10, kyotoryu12, green, clover
06/30/12 - War: cancer15, muraken16, green
06/30/12 - Wheel of fortune (Attraction): chef20, green
06/30/12 - Pick a Host: clover
06/30/12 - Read my mind: playful04, cheshire09
06/30/12 - Black Jack: surgeon14, boyue05, red
06/30/12 - Memory: firstlimit13, suwabe12
06/30/12 - Hangman: crusnik17, okiayu19, blue
06/30/12 - XOXO: muraken09, 1stgeneration01, rose
06/30/12 - Jan-Ken-Pon: surgeon05, clover
06/30/12 - Catch 'Em All: timetravel18, savior01, playful04
06/30/12 - Find the Spy: friedrice16, inorganic20, clover, rose
07/23/12 - Trade: friedrice16, yamamoto13, namikawa12, mc-aisu for chef05/09/15, mc-siri with Siri
07/23/12 - Trade: alterego05, boyue05, muraken09, okiayu19, shadow10, star04/12/15, mc-aisu for vigilante04/05/06/07/10/16/17/20, mc-kayori with Kayori
07/23/12 - Trade: shinmakoku03/07, mc-aisu for motorcycle03/04, mc-cloud with Cloud
07/23/12 - Trade: opposites16, mc-aisu for motorcycle17, mc-mei with Mei
07/23/12 - Trade: dragoon03/04/17, friedrice16, paradox06, playful04, timetravel12/18/19, mc-aisu for vigilante01, carrots13, cheshire12, delinquent07/11, knave05, bookman17, clocks20, roseknights20, mc-xxing with Xxing
07/24/12 - Update: bucking01/20, beach01/02, autumn12/13, bunny12/16, sagittarius10/15, layoutone06, layouttwo06, layoutthree06, layoutfour06
07/24/12 - Trade: enoshima19, mc-aisu for vigilante11, mc-elliott with Elliott
07/24/12 - Donations (Deck images): timetravel18, vatican17, whiteflower02, vocals04, vatican04, deceiver05, tenshi19, targetnights05, cooking06, assistant13, motorcycle19, wizards08, loverevo03, blgakuen04, blgakuen01, enoshima15, 2x heart
07/24/12 - Freebies: deceiver04, mithril12, blue, clover
07/24/12 - Wheel of Fortune (Romance): roadroller13, vigilante05
07/24/12 - Pick a Host: kisaragi12, clover, rose
07/24/12 - Read my mind: yamamoto01, partners13
07/24/12 - Black Jack: surgeon06, targetnights04, orange
07/24/12 - Memory: autumn04, kyotoryu06
07/24/12 - Hangman: youandi05, namikawa19, red
07/24/12 - XOXO: detective09, midorijima18, rose
07/24/12 - Jan-Ken-Pon: five13, blgakuen16, rose
07/24/12 - Puzzle: puzzle07, prince17, thewell18, whiteflower13
07/24/12 - Who is he?: muraken20, violence12, minami12
07/24/12 - Whoops: ogre12, myboy02, yellow, rose
07/24/12 - Extra Lessons: roadroller01, sacrifice01, detective12