From my Rome class notes while discussing the Column of Marcus Aurelius (which is after Trajan's and pretty damn similar except for the fact that nobody cares about the Column of MA because T did it first - and, incidentally, better):
• two later columns in the same type and category from Istanbul - one of Theodosius and the other of Arcadius- to show that Constantinople had just as big a column - as it were
I'm glad I write these things in my notes. It makes it less boring to study. (Penis!)
Comp re-write is tomorrow.
My brain is filled with weird numbers and bits of information and buzz-words for the concepts in Art History that I don't really get and probably never will.
I feel like the penguin on top of your television set. (ie about to explode.)
Did you know that there was a timber amphitheatre in Silchester, England before they built the Colosseum in Rome?
Wish me luck.
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