I really need to do my laundry. It's kind of a massive mountain of badness at the moment. And I need clean clothes - for general life reasons - but also because I'm heading off on my Cuba vacation next week! So I need to have cute clean clothes for that. (And I kinda already wore - and haven't since washed - all the cute summery clothes I bought in order to be cute in Cuba.) So there's that. And then I'm moving in the coming week (date still slightly flexible - I think I need to call the landlords and poke a bit) so I don't want to pack up dirty clothes, which will then stay packed for the week while I'm in Cuba. 'Cause that's just gross (like leaving your dirty laundry in a mountain on the floor you ask? - well, you're right, but I always have the best intentions). But on the other hand, in my new place I don't have to pay for laundry - and I totally do here. So here's the question: cheapness? or grossness? Which is more important?
The other factor - which is kinda stupid, I'll admit - is that I'm meeting up with a friend to go and vote at noon. (Yay Democracy!) That's in like forty minutes! I can't start a load and have it done by then! (Yes I can. Our washers take about half an hour.) But I do prefer to marathon my laundry and get it all out of the way at the same time.
What I should be doing right now instead of posting in my journal and otherwise wasting time is sorting the mountain of laundry. That way, when I get back after voting I'll be able to have my marathon session.
But - I Don'wanna! I just want to sit around here and pretend I'm done with my school work (I'm not. There's still a take home exam - but I'm letting that percolate. It's an important step in my process *hair flip*. Honest.) and also pretend that downloading episodes of Castle on my fast campus connection is a good way to prepare myself for moving, instead of you know - packing.
That's right friends. I am just that good. See you on the flip side!
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